News Archive

Image Title Published
student made wax tablet ancient writing system
Exploring -- and Building -- Ancient Technology in Classics 314
drawing of magical inscription with crocodile
"Now, now; quickly, quickly": Alex Hollmann on crocodile curses from Caesarea  
Eunice Kim, Adriana Vazquez, Matthew Gorey
Congratulations to our 2017 PhD Graduates
Students pose in front of the Roman colosseum
Messages from Rome  
Roseanna Wabel McDermott Endowed Fund for Study Abroad
scs logo
UW Classics at the SCS/AIA!
2017 PhD grads
Congrats to our 2017 PhDs!
students approach Denny Hall
Professor Stroup helps host visiting students from Paschal Sherman Indian School
Applications invited for Classics Undergraduate Scholarships 
Kaitlyn Boulding portrait, photo credit Winnipeg Free Press
Congratulations to Kaitlyn Boulding on Emerging Artist Award
ancient fresco of young man reading
Recent publications by UW Classics alumni and friends
portrait of Professor Stroup
'War Games': Professor Stroup speaks on ancient and modern athletics at Parent and Family Weekend 
Photo portrait of Professor Kate Topper
Prof. Kate Topper featured in The Whole U: Faculty Friday
Sarah Levin-Richardson and Deborah Kamen
Professors Kamen and Levin-Richardson win national research award
cast of undergraduate theater society Medea 2017
Opening night update: Medea    Undergraduate Theater Society production opens Feb 23rd
victorious youth
Gods and Mortals and Adriana Vazquez in Malibu
Professor Levin-Richardson's work featured in Forbes
Catherine Connors (standing, third from right) with Latin teachers gathered on the UW campus, May 2016
Chair's Letter 2016
Seattle area k-12 teachers of Latin
Active learning in the Latin Classroom 
Classical Seminar in Rome Students 2016
Celebration of Student Achievements and Awards 
Classics across campus and beyond 
Olga Levaniouk and her Concise Inventory of Greek Etymologies team of Classics graduate students
Faculty updates 
UW Classics graduate students and recent alums at the opening reception of Feminism and Classics VII
Feminism and Classics VII: Visions
Feminism and Classics 7
UW hosts seventh international conference on Feminism and Classics May 19-22
images of women working, in the style of ancient Greek vases
Just One Look and you'll be inspired:  Book Arts Exhibit celebrates creative connections between artists and scholars