Student Research Resources

Language Resources

Greek Core Vocabulary (Dickinson College)

Latin Core Vocabulary (Dickinson College)

Logeion (University of Chicago)

TLG (Thesaurus Linguae Graecae; UC Irvine)

TLL (Thesaurus Linguae Latinae)

Smith & Hall's English-Latin Dictionary

Whitaker’s Words (University of Notre Dame)

Grammar Resources

Allen and Greenough Online (Tufts)

Smyth’s Greek Grammar Online (Tufts)

Corpus Search Engines

PHI Latin Texts (Packard Humanities Institute

TLG (Thesaurus Linguae Graecae; UC Irvine)

Text Collections

Corpus Corporum (Universität Zurich)

Internet Classics Archive (MIT)

Greek and Roman Authors at Lacus Curtius (University of Chicago)

The Latin Library

Loeb Classical Library

Perseus Digital Library (main)

Perseus Greek and Roman Collection

Suda Online (University of Kentucky)

Material Cultures

Ancient Graffiti Project (digital resource for the graffiti of Pompeii and Herculaneum; Washington and Lee)

CIL (Corpus Inscriptionum Latinorum; Köln)

Classical Artwork Research Center (including Beazley Archive; Oxford)
EAGLE (Electronic Archive of Greek and Latin Epigraphy)
Herculaneum Panoramas
PHI Greek Inscriptions

Platner, A Topography of Ancient Rome

Roman Aqueducts


Maps, Reconstructions, and Visualizations

Ancient Athens 3D

Colonia Ostiensis (Digital reconstructions of Ostia)

DARE (Digital Atlas of the Roman Empire / Pelagios)

Digital Augustan Rome

Oplontis Project Visualizations of Villa A (open access e-book)

Orbis (Stanford Geospatial Network Model of Roman World)
The Skenographia Project (Digital visualization of Roman Wall paintings; King’s College)





Lacus Curtius (University of Chicago)

Oxford Classical Dictionary (5th edition)
Oxford Classical Dictionary Abbreviation List (Oxford)
Perseus under PhiloLogic
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
UW Libraries Classics Research Resource (and our librarian)

UW Libraries Undergraduate Researcher Tutorial 

Writing support at UW


Common Abbreviations and Shorthands

Text Collections

Green and Yellows (“Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics”): Texts and generally high-level commentaries on Greek and Latin texts published by Cambridge UP; covers are (surprise!) green and yellow

Loeb (“The Loeb Classical Library”): Originals with facing translation in English of varying quality; no commentaries; green for Greek, red for Latin

OCTs (“Oxford Classical Texts”): Collection of ancient Greek and Roman literature; high quality editions with full apparatus critici; no commentaries; dark blue covers

Teubners (“Bibliotheca Scriptorum Graecorums et Romanorum Teubneriana”): Collection of ancient Greek and Roman literature; high quality editions with full apparatus critici; no commentaries; orange for Greek, blue for Latin

Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, Thesauri and Corpora

CIL (Corpus Inscriptionum Latinorum): Collection of Latin Inscriptions (available online)

D-S or Daremberg-Saglio (Dictionnaire des Antiquités Grecques et Romaines): Fairly good encyclopedia of Greek and Roman antiquity; French

IG (Inscriptiones Graecae): Greek Inscriptions (available online)

LSJ (Liddell, Scott, Jones): The Greek Lexicon

OCD (Oxford Classical Dictionary)

OLD (Oxford Latin Dictionary)

Pauly-Wissowa or RE (Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenshcaft): Excellent encyclopedia of Greek and Roman antiquity; note that there is both Pauly-Wissowa /  RE and the so-called kleine Pauly, a smaller version of  the “regular” Pauly; German

TLG (Thesaurus Linguae Graecae): Digital Library of Greek Literature; see above for online access

TLL (Thesaurus Linguae Latinae): We have most of these in the seminar room


L’Annee or APh (for L’Annee Philologique, “The Philological Year”): An annual index of scholarly work in fields related to the language, literature, history, and material cultures of ancient Greece and Rome.  First published in 1928, L’Annee is hosted online by Brepolis (requires subscription; log in through university account).

Ap Crit (for apparatus criticus): This is the “critical apparatus” or critical compilation of primary source materials (manuscripts, papyrus) that accompanies a “scholarly edition” of a text.  The ap crit is the by-product of the collation of primary source materials, often called “textual criticism.”

MS or Manuscript (the plural is MSS): A hand-written (manu-scriptum) copy of an ancient text; most of the manuscripts upon which modern editions are based date from between the 11th century and the 16th century.

Primary Source: Ancient texts, whether in the original language or translated

Secondary Source: Modern scholarly studies of ancient texts or objects
