Graduate Programs

Welcome to the University of Washington Graduate Program in Classics. We offer the M.A. in Greek, Latin, or Classics, and the Ph.D. in Classics. Our department is known nationally and internationally as a place where innovative research, excellent instruction, and active mentoring of graduate students are ensuring the preservation and expansion of knowledge of the Classical world for the next generation. Our faculty, currently ten in number, are award-winning educators and scholars who represent a broad array of interests. Our faculty consists of international experts with strengths in Greek and Latin literature, gender and sexuality studies, the social history of Greece and Rome including the study of slavery, race, and ethnicity, Greek and Roman art, epigraphy, reception studies, Greek religion and magic, myth and comparative studies.

Our M.A. program typically takes two years (but can be done in one or one and half), and our Ph.D. program typically six years. Students admitted to our Ph.D. program with funding receive a guarantee of six years of funding (a fellowship for the first year, Teaching Assistantships thereafter, and two quarter-length dissertation fellowships at the dissertation stage), contingent on satisfactory progress.

We offer a large variety of graduate courses and encourage our students to take occasional courses in other departments.

Students in the graduate program typically have opportunities to serve as TAs and as sole instructors of their own courses, including language courses (upon the passing of Greek and Latin examinations).

We also offer travel funding to our students, including conference travel and stipends for attending the summer seminars or regular summer sessions at the ASCSA. Our students can also expect to take part in our Department’s summer or early fall study abroad program in Rome if they so desire.

We are deeply committed to issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion, and our faculty, graduate students, and alumnx have taken leading (and sometimes foundational) roles in the key DEI-related groups of our discipline, including the Asian and Asian American Classical Caucus, the Lambda Classical Caucus, and the Women’s Classical Caucus, among others. In 2014, we received the first-ever Award in Professional Equity from the Women’s Classical Caucus. 

Our Ph.D.s have won a number of prestigious awards and fellowships (including two recent Rome Prizes) and have performed exceptionally well in a competitive job market, landing positions both within and outside the academy.

For more information on M.A. and Ph.D. requirements, courses, and opportunities within the department and at UW see "UW Classics Graduate Program at a Glance." 

Further information about admission and program requirements and funding opportunities is available through the links on this page. Questions may also be addressed to Professor Olga Levaniouk, Graduate Program Coordinator.



