Classics Faculty Meeting |
Classics Seminar Room - Denny 257 |
Democracy, Citizenship, and Empire: Native American Writers on Greece, Rome, and the United States Craig Williams (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign) |
Denny 212 |
Reconstructing Wonders of the Ancient World: How Pheidias Created the Athena Parthenos and Zeus Olympios (AIA Ridgway Lecture at University of Puget Sound) Kenneth Lapatin (Getty) |
Trimble Forum (Trimble Hall Room TR116), University of Puget Sound, Tacoma, WA and on zoom |
Double-header: 1) The Maiden’s Materials and 2) Bacchic Belief or Transphobic Translation? Madalena Parsons (UW PhD program in Classics) and Anna Muh (UW PhD program in Classics) |
DEN 257, Meg Greenfield Room |
"Working through" survival with Statius: the uses and limits of trauma in Latin epic Alice Hu (Reed College) |
Denny 212 |
Classics Faculty Meeting |
Classics Seminar Room - Denny 257 |
Prison Abolition, Ancient Incarceration, and the Mirror of the Past (AIA Faculty Lecture) Mark Letteney (UW History) |
Denny 303 and zoom |
Winter 2025 Undergraduate Pizza Lunch |
Meg Greenfield Room - Denny 257 |
Classics Faculty Meeting |
Classics Seminar Room - Denny 257 |
Double-Header: Reading Eroticized Animals and The Visual Properties of Water Jonathan Clark (UW PhD program in Classics) and Cat Chase (UW PhD program in Classics) |
Zoom |
Repeating Nymphs and Repeating Trauma: Queer Time and the Narrative Structure of the Metamorphoses Laura Harris (UW PhD program in Classics) |
zoom |
Classics Faculty Meeting |
Denny 257 |
Hypsipyle's "Voice of the Shuttle": Narrating and Reading Rape in Statius's Thebaid (CAPN Fall Talk) Alice Hu (Reed) |
Zoom |
Slaves and Slavery in Vergil's Aeneid Sanjaya Thakur (Colorado College) |
Denny 212 and Zoom |
Classics Faculty meeting |
Denny 257 |
Sapphic Biographies in Baudelaire’s ‘Lesbos’ Lauryn Hanley (UW PhD Program in Classics) |
DEN 257, Meg Greenfield Room |
Were the Ancient Greeks Responsible for Antisemitism? Erich Gruen (UC Berkeley) |
DEN 112 and Zoom |
Merchants and Mercenaries: Greeks in Egypt in the Late Period Camille Reiko Acosta (UC Irvine; AIA National Lecturer) |
Denny 112 and on zoom |
Living and Dying as an Immigrant in Classical Athens Camille Reiko Acosta (UC Irvine) |
UW campus DEN 112 and zoom |
Undergraduate Pizza Lunch |
Meg Greenfield Room - Denny 257 |
Classics Faculty Meeting |
Denny 257 |
2024 Classics Graduation Celebration |
DEN 303 |
Classics Faculty Meeting |
Denny 257 |
Undergraduate Senior Essay Symposium |
Denny (DEN) 112 and Zoom |
Teaching Rome, the [In]Visible City (The inaugural Daniel P. Harmon Visiting Lecture) Joseph Farrell (University of Pennsylvania) |
Denny 112 and by Zoom |
Classics Faculty Meeting |
Denny 257 |
Breasts and Bees: An Excerpt from The Seven Wonders Project Clara Bosak-Schroeder (Illinois) |
Denny 112 or on Zoom |
Q&A with UW Classics (Virtual Session for Admitted Students & Families) |
Zoom (registration info below) |
The Making of 1177 BC: A Graphic History of the Year Civilization Collapsed Glynnis Fawkes (Center for Cartoon Studies, White River Junction, VT) |
Denny 212 |
Briskly, and Without Apparent Reflection: Making Sense of an Ancient Cemetery at Isthmia, Greece Ulrike Krotscheck (The Evergreen State College) |
University of Puget Sound |
Is Actaeon a Human? William Brockliss (U. Wisconsin-Madison) |
Denny 212, and via Zoom |
Undergraduate Spring open house: using a classics degree in your career Catherine Basl, UW B.A. 2010 (Latin) |
Denny 257 Meg Greenfield Room |
Classics Faculty Meeting |
Denny 257 |
Book release party for Deborah Kamen's Greek Slavery |
DEN 258 |
Venatrix Animumque Innupta Remansi: Atalanta’s Ovidian Intertextuality and Asexual Motherhood in Statius’ Thebaid Laura Harris (UW PhD program in Classics) |
DEN 257, Meg Greenfield Room |
Hickey Hermeneutics: Varied Visualities of Love-Bites in Latin Love Elegy Lauryn Hanley (UW PhD program in Classics) |
DEN 257, Meg Greenfield Room |
Classics Faculty Meeting |
Denny 257 |
damnatio memoriae and Confederate statue destructions today Jen Trimble (Stanford; AIA Ridgway Lecture) |
DEN 112 and over Zoom (registration details below) |
Religious art and the visibility of slaves in Pompeii Jen Trimble (Stanford) |
Denny 112 and over Zoom (registration details below) |
Two Notions of 'Case' in Aristotle Sosseh Assaturian (UW Philosophy) |
DEN 257 |
Greek Myth in a Global Context Ruby Blondell, Olga Levaniouk, Courtney Bede, Sean Doran |
259 Denny Hall, UW Seattle Campus, and on zoom (see below for link to register for the Zoom). |
Classics Faculty Meeting |
Denny 257 |
Getting Back to Nature: Inverted Metapoetic Metaphors in Latin Poetry Christopher Chinn (Pomona) |
Denny 112 and by Zoom |
Classics Faculty Meeting |
Denny 257 |
Q&A Session about UW Classics Graduate Programs |
Zoom |
Pone or Pelle Hederam? Ecohorror in Propertius Jonathan Clark (UW PhD program in Classics) |
DEN 257, Meg Greenfield Room |
Classics Faculty Meeting |
Denny Hall 257 |
Mettle, Metal, and Medal, or Autotheorizing Contemporary Classical Scholarship Sasha-Mae Eccleston (Brown University) |
Denny 258 or Zoom. The speaker is joining us by Zoom; see below for link to register |
Reimagining the Trojan War in Chang-rae Lee's The Surrendered and Ocean Vuong's Night Sky with Exit Wounds (Fall CAPN Lecture) Christopher Waldo |
Denny 258 |
Classics Faculty Meeting |
Denny Hall 257 |