AIA Lectures
AIA Lectures
Past Events
- Merchants and Mercenaries: Greeks in Egypt in the Late Period -
- damnatio memoriae and Confederate statue destructions today -
- Excavating War: Violence, Power and Urbanism in Prehistoric Anatolia (annual AIA Faculty Lecture) -
- Petsas House, Mycenae: pottery, production, and the palatial economy of the 14th c. BCE (AIA Ridgway) -
- The Angkorian World: Polity and Cosmos in Southeast Asia (AIA) -
- Migrations, Marginality, and Maritime Landscapes: A New World Paleocoastal Occupation (AIA) -
- The Archaic Smile: It’s No Laughing Matter (AIA) -
- Insults in Classical Athens (annual AIA Faculty Lecture) -
- What Does the Archaeological Record Reveal About the Human Experience of Past Epidemics? (AIA) -
- Places, spaces, and memory: a landscape archaeology of the western Argolid, Greece (The 2020-21 AIA Ridgway Lecture) -
- My 40 Year Search for the Battle of Actium (AIA) -
- International Archaeology Day Lightning Talks, hosted by the Puget Sound Society of the Archaeological Institute of America -
- An Archaeology of the Bronze Age Senses: the tastes, smells and colors of new finds from east Cretan excavations (AIA) -
- The Social Life of Roman Soldiers: The role of wives, children and families in Roman military communities (AIA) -
- Etruscan Forgeries (The 2019-20 Ridgway Lecture) -
- A Romantic Past: What does a white muslin gown have to do with Pompeii? -
- Connecting the Dots: New Perspectives on Mobility and Gathering in Ancient Mediterranean Sanctuaries -
- Assessing the Evidence for the Trojan War: Recent Excavations at Troy (AIA Puget Sound Ridgway Lecture) -
- Remembering Boudica: Monuments of a Barbarian Queen (AIA Puget Sound Society, Joukowsky Lecture) -
- How to Spot a Roman Emperor -
- Brothels and Prostitution at Pompeii -
- The Late Bronze Age Eruption of Thera -
- Elite Negotiation and Consensus Building: Rewriting early Roman Imperialism -
- Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man: Creativity in the Vase-Painting of Euphronios -
- De Arte Gladiatoria: Recovering Gladiatorial Tactics from Artistic Sources -
- On the Trail of Ancient Greeks and Romans in Plymouth Plantation -
- Warfare in Ancient Persia, 550-330 BC (2015-16 Ridgway Lecture) -
- 'Sex and Other Things Sell: Athenian Potters and their Foreign Consumers' -
- Constructing Memory in Augustan Italy -
- ''The Strangeness and Beauty of Cypriot Art" -
- Homer and Archaeology -
- Penelope and the Origins of Greek Art -
- Family Affairs: A New Interpretation of the Porticus Octavia and Its Neighbors in Augustan Rome -
- The Garden of Flora: New Discoveries at the Roman Seaside Villas of Stabiae Near Pompeii -
- A Hero's Choice: The Historical Context for the Cocks and Hens Relief from Xanthos -
- The Magnificent Peutinger Map: Roman Cartography at its Most Creative -
- "Truly I want to die:" Brides in Ancient Greece and Modern Russia -
- Ancient Sounds of Greece -
- Passage and Perception in the Sanctuary of the Great Gods, Samothrace -
- The Archaic Style in Sculpture in the Eyes of Ancient and Modern Viewers -
- The Intriguing Case of the Octagonal Gemstones from Gordion (Turkey) -