Past Events
- "Working through" survival with Statius: the uses and limits of trauma in Latin epic -
- Prison Abolition, Ancient Incarceration, and the Mirror of the Past (AIA Faculty Lecture) -
- Hypsipyle's "Voice of the Shuttle": Narrating and Reading Rape in Statius's Thebaid (CAPN Fall Talk) -
- Slaves and Slavery in Vergil's Aeneid -
- Were the Ancient Greeks Responsible for Antisemitism? -
- Merchants and Mercenaries: Greeks in Egypt in the Late Period -
- Living and Dying as an Immigrant in Classical Athens -
- Teaching Rome, the [In]Visible City (The inaugural Daniel P. Harmon Visiting Lecture) -
- Breasts and Bees: An Excerpt from The Seven Wonders Project -
- The Making of 1177 BC: A Graphic History of the Year Civilization Collapsed -
- Briskly, and Without Apparent Reflection: Making Sense of an Ancient Cemetery at Isthmia, Greece -
- Is Actaeon a Human? -
- Book release party for Deborah Kamen's Greek Slavery -
- damnatio memoriae and Confederate statue destructions today -
- Religious art and the visibility of slaves in Pompeii -
- Getting Back to Nature: Inverted Metapoetic Metaphors in Latin Poetry -
- Mettle, Metal, and Medal, or Autotheorizing Contemporary Classical Scholarship -
- Reimagining the Trojan War in Chang-rae Lee's The Surrendered and Ocean Vuong's Night Sky with Exit Wounds (Fall CAPN Lecture) -
- The Exemplary Domina: Slaving and Female Virtue in the Roman World -
- For Whose Benefit? Masturbation and Servile Status on the Berlin Foundry Cup -
- Homer's Hypertextual Underworlds -
- Classical Association of the Pacific Northwest - , ,
- Excavating War: Violence, Power and Urbanism in Prehistoric Anatolia (annual AIA Faculty Lecture) -
- Adventures in Minoan Crete: Reconstructing Life from Pottery Sherds -
- Caring for Archaeological Materials: Ethical Considerations and Practical Approaches -
- Ismene’s Antigone: Rereading Sophocles through Kamila Shamsie’s Home Fire -
- The epistemics of mass enslavement in Greco-Roman antiquity: some initial hypotheses (John B. and Mary K. McDiarmid Lecture) -
- 'Dying with': Self-Starvation and Women’s Grief in Appian’s Proscription Narratives -
- Designing and Teaching Distance-Learning CLAS 430 (Greek and Roman Mythology) -
- An Evening with Saidiya Hartman -
- Petsas House, Mycenae: pottery, production, and the palatial economy of the 14th c. BCE (AIA Ridgway) -
- Classics and Apocalypse (John B. and Mary K. McDiarmid Lecture) -
- The Angkorian World: Polity and Cosmos in Southeast Asia (AIA) -
- Birthing Ideas in Ancient Greece and the Modern World: A Personal and Professional Story -
- UW Humanities First Career Panel -
- Blackness and Race in Lucian's Satires -
- "Mixed multitudes": displacement and belonging in ancient Sicily (Annual AIA Faculty Lecture) -
- Storytelling across Millennia (UW Alumni Book Club) -
- Migrations, Marginality, and Maritime Landscapes: A New World Paleocoastal Occupation (AIA) -
- Women, Weapons and Warfare: Weapons and Burial Goods from Old Kingdom Egypt to Early Bronze Age Anatolia (hosted by Willamette University and the Classical Association of the Pacific Northwest) -
- Theôria the Pornê and Theoric Mothers: Sacred Sightseeing in Aristophanes' Peace and Lysistrata -
- The Archaic Smile: It’s No Laughing Matter (AIA) -
- Insults in Classical Athens (annual AIA Faculty Lecture) -
- Outside of the Frame: Enslaved Persons in New Testament Ethics (UW Jewish Studies) -
- Greek Myths on Etruscan Sarcophagi -
- What Does the Archaeological Record Reveal About the Human Experience of Past Epidemics? (AIA) -
- Roman Diversity: Aestheticizing and Commodifying Human Variety, Then and Now (The 2020–21 John B. and Mary K. McDiarmid Lecture) -
- Double-header: Mary McNulty, Emma Brobeck -
- Triple Header: Joshua Zacks, Sarah Brucia Breitenfeld, Grace Funsten -