Lunchtime Colloquiums
Lunchtime Colloquiums
Past Events
- Double-header: 1) The Maiden’s Materials and 2) Bacchic Belief or Transphobic Translation? -
- Double-Header: Reading Eroticized Animals and The Visual Properties of Water -
- Repeating Nymphs and Repeating Trauma: Queer Time and the Narrative Structure of the Metamorphoses -
- Sapphic Biographies in Baudelaire’s ‘Lesbos’ -
- Venatrix Animumque Innupta Remansi: Atalanta’s Ovidian Intertextuality and Asexual Motherhood in Statius’ Thebaid -
- Hickey Hermeneutics: Varied Visualities of Love-Bites in Latin Love Elegy -
- Two Notions of 'Case' in Aristotle -
- Pone or Pelle Hederam? Ecohorror in Propertius -
- For Whose Benefit? Masturbation and Servile Status on the Berlin Foundry Cup -
- Ex Oriente Lux -
- Homer, Achilles, and Telemachus: A Metapoetic Triangle of Alter Egos -
- A Conversation about the Asian and Asian American Classical Caucus with Arum Park and Chris Waldo -
- 'Dying with': Self-Starvation and Women’s Grief in Appian’s Proscription Narratives -
- Designing and Teaching Distance-Learning CLAS 430 (Greek and Roman Mythology) -
- Subverting Family and Fatherland in the Story of Apollonius King of Tyre -
- Khameleon Productions' Medea -
- Wet-Nurses, their Children, and their Nurslings in Roman Funerary Inscriptions -
- Greek Myths on Etruscan Sarcophagi -
- Double-header: Mary McNulty, Emma Brobeck -
- Triple Header: Joshua Zacks, Sarah Brucia Breitenfeld, Grace Funsten -
- Rhetorical Indignation: The Ethical Quality of Juvenalian Anger -
- POSTPONED – Rhetorical Indignation: The Ethical Quality of Juvenalian Anger -
- (1) Fate, Achilles, and Counterfactuals (2) Muliebris Fraus: The Death of Germanicus and Gendered Magical Language in Tacitus' Annales 2.69-72 -
- Triple-header: Sarah Brucia Breitenfeld, Edgar Adrián García, Sophie Emilia Seidler -
- Metapoetic Self-Referentiality in the Artwork Poems of Martial’s Apophoreta -
- (1) 'Moechos arrogantes: Roman Comedy and Elegy in Horace Carm. 1.25' (2) 'The name of Clytemnestra in the Odyssey' -
- Women, Weapons and Warfare: An Examination of Weapons as Female Burial Goods in Early Bronze Age Anatolia -
- Easily He Wielded It: Paronomasia in Homer’s Lexical Ring Structures / Etymological Resonances Between the Argiletum and the Forum Transitorium -
- Quidque te in colendo oporteat facere: The Dystopian Political Didactics of Varro’s de Rebus Rusticis -
- On the purported incompatibility of philosophy and the city: reputation in Plato’s Gorgias and Theaetetus -
- Chad Carver, 'Pindar’s ὅπλων κρίσις: Ajax and Athens in Three Aeginetan Odes.' Grace Funsten, 'A Learned Dog: Roman Elegy and the Epitaph for Margarita.' -
- Department Tea-Time Colloquium (double-header): 'Lesbius, Gellius, and Catullus: Rivals for the Lesbian Muse' (DC) 'Seeing Teucer Doubled: Ambiguity and Prophecy in Horace, Odes 1.7' (EAG) -
- 'Efficacior Pictura: Morality and the Arts in Valerius Maximus' -
- Prolegomena ad Columellam: An Assessment of Columella’s Major Treatise on Agriculture in Light of the Catonian and Varronian Tradition -
- 'Close the Doors of your Ears:' Tracing an Orphic Formula in Augustan Poetry (A mid-afternoon colloquium in the lunchtime series) -
- How to Get Away with Murder: A Reinterpretation of the Mnesterophonia -
- Lucretian coloring in the death of Turnus -
- Ethos and Persona in Catullus 16 -
- Keeping the door open: Janus in Ovid’s Fasti and beyond -
- Muse of the Pipes: The Aqua Marcia and Aqua Virgo as Roman poetic tradition -
- Horace, Lucan, and the Beginnings of the Eighteenth-Century Gothic -
- Metapoetics and Minerva in Ovid's Fasti -
- Ipse senatorum meminit clarissimus ordo: Memory, Identity, and Spatial Polemic in Prudentius' Contra Symmachum -
- Terra Australis Incognita: Tales of the Antarctic Latin Club -
- Roman Surgery: The Tools of the Trade -
- Aineias vs. Aeneas: Homeric Allusion at Aeneid 12.894-907 -
- Urbs amoena: Sex and Violence in the Ovidian City -
- Inscribing fate: Epigraphic Conventions and Virgil's Aeneas -
- Helen of Troy Unlimited -
- Ulysses reading Plato: Shakespeare Stages the Alcibiades -