Crisis and Response from Greek Democracy to Julius Caesar 

Andreas Avgousti and Alain Gowing

All are welcome to join us for this year's conference for k-12 Teachers, which will include presentations and time for discussion on the theme of Crisis and Response from Greek Democracy to Julius Caesar. We are offering three clock hours for participants through the Puget Sound Educational Services District. There is no cost to attend the conference; if you register here, that will assist our planning. 


Welcome 8:30-9:00       
First Presentation              9:00–10:30  “Crisis and Response in Ancient Greek Democracy”
Presenter:   Andreas Avgousti, PhD (Simon Fraser University, SNF-Centre for Hellenic Studies)

Second Presentation         10:45–12:15 Was Julius Caesar a Revolutionary? 
Presenter:   Professor Alain Gowing (University of Washington, Classics)

Join us on zoom:

You are welcome to contact us with questions at