Dr. Arlene Holmes Henderson
Savery Hall, Room 139
Our annual session for teachers of UWHS Latin 103 includes
11:15-11:45 Update on UWHS Latin 103: curriculum, instruction, and assessment
Catherine Connors, UWHS Latin 103 Course Supervisor
11:45-12:15 Lunch (provided for UWHS instuctors, others please BYO)
12:30-1:30 Interactive and innovative strategies in the Latin Classroom
Dr. Arlene Holmes-Henderson, University of Oxford, Faculty of Classics
Dr. Holmes-Henderson is a specialist in the teaching of Latin at all levels, and is involved in the Classics in Communities project in the UK, which supports the teaching of Latin in a wide range of educational settings. See more at classicsincommunities.org
1:30-2:30 Reading Virgil Digitally Catherine Connors