Events Archive

Title Date and Time Location
University Lecture Series 2013: Jews, Greeks, And Romans in The Ancient World: From Marginalization to Multiculturalism
Prof. Sarah Stroup (UW Classics)
- Temple Beth Am
University Lecture Series 2013: Jews, Greeks, And Romans in The Ancient World: From Marginalization to Multiculturalism
Prof. Sarah Stroup (UW Classics)
- Temple Beth Am
University Lecture Series 2013: Jews, Greeks, And Romans in The Ancient World: From Marginalization to Multiculturalism
Prof. Sarah Stroup (UW Classics)
- Temple Beth Am
University Lecture Series 2013: Jews, Greeks, And Romans in The Ancient World: From Marginalization to Multiculturalism
Prof. Sarah Stroup (UW Classics)
- Temple Beth Am
University Lecture Series 2013: Jews, Greeks, And Romans in The Ancient World: From Marginalization to Multiculturalism
Prof. Sarah Stroup (UW Classics)
- Temple Beth Am
A Hero's Choice: The Historical Context for the Cocks and Hens Relief from Xanthos
Jennifer Tobin (Illinois at Chicago)
210 Kane Hall
University Lecture Series 2013: Jews, Greeks, And Romans in The Ancient World: From Marginalization to Multiculturalism
Prof. Sarah Stroup (UW Classics)
- Temple Beth Am
University Lecture Series 2013: Jews, Greeks, And Romans in The Ancient World: From Marginalization to Multiculturalism
Prof. Sarah Stroup (UW Classics)
- Temple Beth Am
University Lecture Series 2013: Jews, Greeks, And Romans in The Ancient World: From Marginalization to Multiculturalism
Prof. Sarah Stroup (UW Classics)
- Temple Beth Am
Colloquium: 'Political Theory: Normative & Positive / Ancient & Modern'
Josiah Ober (Katz Lecturer)
202 Communications
What Is Democracy and What Is It Good For?
Josiah Ober (Stanford) (Katz Lecturer)
110 Kane Hall
University Lecture Series 2013: Jews, Greeks, And Romans in The Ancient World: From Marginalization to Multiculturalism
Prof. Sarah Stroup (UW Classics)
- Temple Beth Am
University Lecture Series 2013: Jews, Greeks, And Romans in The Ancient World: From Marginalization to Multiculturalism
Prof. Sarah Stroup (UW Classics)
- Temple Beth Am
Summer Priority Registration - Period I begins
Spring Late registration fee begins - $75
University Lecture Series 2013: Jews, Greeks, And Romans in The Ancient World: From Marginalization to Multiculturalism
Prof. Sarah Stroup (UW Classics)
- Temple Beth Am
University Lecture Series 2013: Jews, Greeks, And Romans in The Ancient World: From Marginalization to Multiculturalism
Prof. Sarah Stroup (UW Classics)
- Temple Beth Am
University Lecture Series 2013: Jews, Greeks, And Romans in The Ancient World: From Marginalization to Multiculturalism
Prof. Sarah Stroup (UW Classics)
- Temple Beth Am
University Lecture Series 2013: Jews, Greeks, And Romans in The Ancient World: From Marginalization to Multiculturalism
Prof. Sarah Stroup (UW Classics)
- Temple Beth Am
University Lecture Series 2013: Jews, Greeks, And Romans in The Ancient World: From Marginalization to Multiculturalism
Prof. Sarah Stroup (UW Classics)
- Temple Beth Am
Spring Priority Registration - Period III ends
Demosthenes’ ἰαμβοφάγος: Archilochean Invective in Aeschines' Against Timarchus
Eunice Kim (UW Classics)
215A Denny Hall
Spring Registration - Tuition Exemption Program for WA state employees
Spring Registration - Tuition Exemption Program for UW faculty/staff
Spring Registration - UW Access Program
Spring Priority Registration - Period III begins
Spring Late registration fee begins - $25
Spring quarter classes begin
Spring break ends
Spring Priority Registration - Period II ends
Spring break starts
Winter quarter finals week ends
Winter quarter finals week begins
Winter quarter last day of instruction
Antiquity in Silent Cinema
Maria Wyke (University College, London)
Thomson 125
Antiquity in Silent Film: Film Screening
Maria Wyke (University College, London)
210 Kane Hall
The Borghese Mosaics, Its Gladiators, and Late Roman Spectacles of Death (Lecture sponsored by UW Art History)
Anne McClanan (Portland State)
Art 317
Spring Priority Registration - Period II begins
Spring Priority Registration - Period I ends
Buying Freedom: Slave-Prostitutes and Manumission in Ancient Greece
Deborah Kamen (UW Classics)
215A Denny Hall
The Universal Polytheism: Interpretatio Graeco-Romana
Robert Parker (New College, Oxford)
105 Smith Hall
Presidents' Day (Holiday)
Spring Priority Registration - Period I begins
 From Paganism to Christianity: Cultural Identities in Horbat Beit Loya, Israel
Oren Gutfeld (Hebrew University, Jerusalem)
290 Paccar Hall
The Magnificent Peutinger Map: Roman Cartography at its Most Creative
Richard Talbert (Chapel Hill): 2012-13 AIA Ridgway Lecturer
210 Kane Hall
The Roman World Seen Through Portable Sundials
Richard Talbert (Chapel Hill)
304 Smith Hall
Report on the Homer Multi-text Project
Devin Gleeson and Molly Ostheller (and maybe others!)
290 Paccar Hall
"Truly I want to die:" Brides in Ancient Greece and Modern Russia 
Olga Levaniouk (UW Classics)
210 Kane Hall
Winter Late registration fee begins - $75
Martin Luther King, Jr's Birthday (Holiday)