Homer's Hypertextual Underworlds

Suzanne Lye (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
Denny 258, and via Zoom (click on listing for info.)

Suzanne Lye is Assistant Professor of Classics at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.  A 2016 UCLA PhD, before arrival at UNC she held a two-year postdoctoral fellowship at Dartmouth College.   She is at present engaged in a major project about conceptions of the afterlife in ancient Greek Underworld narratives from Homer to Lucian; she has published on ancient epic, ancient religion and magic, ancient representations of gender and ethnicity, modern pedagogy, and Classical reception.   Suzanne is currently Chair of the Executive Committee of the Women’s Classical Caucus, and was 2020-21 winner of the WCC Leadership Award; she has just begun a term (2023-26) as a Director of the Society for Classical Studies.

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