Annual Teachers' Conference

Denny Hall, Room 259



 We are delighted to announce that Sonia Sabnis, Associate Professor of Classics and Humanities at Reed College, will be the featured speaker at the 2020  Annual Teachers Conference.

UW Department of Classics 2020 Conference for  Teachers 
Feb 8, 2020

 Empire Writes Back: Apuleius, Africa, and transformations of Greek and Roman Classics

Born in North Africa during the Roman Empire, Apuleius (c. 124 -170 CE) studied Greek and Latin philosophy and rhetoric and wrote a lively novel, known as the Metamorphoses or The Golden Ass, about a man who accidentally is turned into a donkey. Recently scholars of Apuleius have asked new questions about Apuleius’ experiences in Africa and about the modern reception of the novel in Algeria. The memorable story of Cupid and Psyche (in some ways an early version of Beauty and the Beast) is told within the novel, and responses to it in various art forms explore questions of beauty and the life of the soul in fascinating ways. We are able to offer three clock hours for participation in the program. The conference is open and free to all; registration will help us plan for morning refreshments and lunch.  Information about registration will be posted here in early January. We hope you can join us!


Coffee Hour                        8:30–9:00 Meg Greenfield Room, 257 Denny Hall
First Presentation              9:00–10:30 “Apuleius in Africa”    259 Denny Hall  

Presenter:   Professor Sonia Sabnis (Reed College)

Second Presentation                       11:00–12:30 (259 Denny Hall)

"Beauty and the Beast and beyond: Transformations of Apuleius’ Cupid and Psyche in art, literature and film"
Presenters:   Sonia Sabnis (Reed College) and Catherine Connors (University of Washington) powerpoint
Lunch   12:30–1:30 (Meg Greenfield Room, 257

Reserve your spot at lunch! Register for the conference