Benjamin Acosta-Hughes is Professor and Chair of Classics at the Ohio State University and the Professore associato esterno atL’Università di Roma Tre, Rome. He is the author of Polyeideia—The Iambi of Callimachus and the Archaic Iambic Tradition(Berkeley, 2002), Arion's Lyre. Archaic Lyric into Hellenistic Poetry (Princeton, 2010), Callimachus in Context. From Plato to the Augustan Poets (with Susan Stephens). Prof. Acosta-Hughes is also co-editor of Labored in Papyrus Leaves: Perspectives on an Epigram Collection Attributed to Posidippus (P. Mil. Vogl. VIII 309) (Washington, D.C. 2004), Brill’s Companion to Callimachus (Leiden, 2011), Homère revisité. Parodie et humour dans les réécritures homeriques Besançon 2011), and Euphorion de Chalcis. Les Framments. (Paris, 2012).
Professor Acosta-Hughes will offer a new reading of Callimachus’ Hymn to Apollo based on a comparative study of Pindar’s poetry.