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Stephen Hinds is Professor Emeritus of Classics at the University of Washington, Seattle. He is the author of The Metamorphosis of Persephone: Ovid and the Self-Conscious Muse (Cambridge 1987) and Allusion and Intertext: Dynamics of Appropriation in Roman Poetry (Cambridge 1998). With Denis Feeney, he co-founded and co-edited the Cambridge book series Roman Literature and its Contexts (13 volumes, with the final title published in 2016). Among his recent articles are 'Return to Enna: Ovid and Ovidianism in Claudian's De Raptu Proserpinae' (2016), 'Pastoral and its Futures: Reading like (a) Mantuan' (2017), 'Pre- and Post-Digital Poetics of "Transliteralism": Some Greco-Roman Epic Incipits' (2020), 'In and Out of Latin: Diptych and Virtual Diptych in Marvell, Milton, Du Bellay and Others' (2020), and 'Ovid's exile poetry and zombies' (2023); details in the pdf CV linked to this page. A new book entering production with Cambridge (publication expected 2025), with the title Latin Poetry across Languages: Adventures in Allusion, Translation and Classical Tradition, offers exploration of the cross-linguistic and intercultural relations of Latin literature, both in antiquity and between antiquity and (early) modernity. More longstanding commitments include a Cambridge ‘green and yellow’ commentary on Ovid, Tristia 1. Stephen's page on academia.edu offers access to some work in progress, along with less readily accessible items among his recent publications; he added further pdfs from his backlist during the pandemic period of restricted access to libraries.