UW at the SCS (2019)!

Submitted by Deborah E Kamen on

If you're going to the Society for Classical Studies meeting in San Diego in January 2019, be sure to check out these talks and panels featuring UW faculty, graduate students, and alumni!

Friday January 4:


Session 10 (Classical and Early Modern Epic: Comparative Approaches and New Perspectives): Adriana Vazquez (UCLA; UW PhD ’17), “Introduction”


Session 17 (Theorizing Africana Receptions): Jackie Murray (University of Kentucky; UW PhD ’05), “Response”

Session 23 (Attic Oratory): Allison Das (The Kincaid School; UW PhD ’15), “Prognosis as a Measure of Excellence: Medical Language in Demosthenes’ On the Crown

Saturday, January 5:


Session 37 (Writing the History of Epigraphy and Epigraphers): Morgan Palmer (Tulane; UW PhD ’14), “Res Gestae: The Queen of Inscriptions and the History of Epigraphers”

Session 41 (Centering the Margins: Creating Inclusive Syllabi): Yurie Hong (Gustavus Adolphus; UW PhD ’07): “Bringing the Outside In: Incorporating Marginalized Identities and Modern Topics into an Introductory Mythology Course”


Session 45 (Special 150th Panel: The Future of Classics [Sesquicentennial Workshop]): Organized by Stephen Hinds

Session 46 (Thirty Years of the Jeweled Style: Reassessing Late Antique Poetry): Organized by Scott McGill (Rice University) and Joshua Hartman (Kalamazoo College; UW PhD ’16)

Session 47 (Varro the Philosopher): Sarah Culpepper Stroup, “Si Homo Est Bulla: Varro’s Roman Cynicism and de Rebus Rusticis

Session 52 (Greek Language): Megan O’Donald, “‘Easily He Wielded It’: Paronomasia in Homer’s Lexical Ring Structures”

Session 53 (Horace and His Legacy): Edgar García, “Teucer, Twofold: Echoes and Exempla in Odes 1.7”


Session 57 (Political Thought in Latin Literature): Matthew Gorey (University of Puget Sound; UW PhD ’17), “The Politics of Atomism in Cicero”

Sunday, January 6:


Session 75 (Materiality and Literary Culture): Emma Brobeck, “Etymological Resonances Between the Argiletum and the Forum Transitorium”

