Classical News from Denny Hall volume 47 (2018)

Letter from the Acting Chair

As the summer draws not quite to a close, we wanted to bring you up to date on various doings in the Department of Classics.  

For starters, we are thrilled to announce that an anonymous donor has made available $25,000 in matching funds for the Classics Student Travel Endowment (you'll find this described and listed, together with our other funds, HERE).  This means that any donations to that endowment will be matched in full.  Funds generated by the endowment make it possible for students to travel to further their study of the Classical world.  Please do consider making a gift to this worthy endeavor.  Any amount, large or small, is welcome, and bear in mind that whatever you are able to give will be matched.

Earlier this year we congratulated our Department Administrator and Assistant to the Chair Doug Machle on his thirty years of devoted service to the University (mostly in the Classics Department) and said farewell to our Secretary Jerry Kohl, who is moving to a position in the UW Department of Political Science. 

And last, but certainly not least, I want to take a moment (and, should the occasion arise, I hope many of our readers will too) to thank in the warmest possible terms our outgoing chair, Professor Catherine Connors.  Since becoming chair in 2015, Cathy has thoughtfully led the department through some very challenging times.  As a direct result of her tireless efforts on behalf of our students and our discipline, our enrollments are healthy; under her leadership we have introduced a number of new courses and continued to attract a steady stream of students to our classes.  All of us in the department owe Cathy a debt of gratitude for her exemplary service as chair.

Professor Alain M. Gowing, Acting Chair 2018-19

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Undergraduate Alumni    Chris Mowers, BA '18, will be joining the Department of Classics at the University of Virgina as a graduate student. Zoe Thomas, BA '16, will be pursuing graduate study at the University of Texas at Austin, while Joseph Bringman, BA '16, will be entering our own Graduate Program in Classics at UW.   James Piper, BA '15 will begin graduate study at UCLA. Sarah Barrie, BA '18, will be studying philosophy, anthropology and classics in… Read more
Professor Sarah Stroup went to sea this past spring as a member of the teaching faculty aboard a UW research voyage on the R/V Roger Revelle. In addition to their coursework in Oceanography and their study of celestial navigation, students read the Odyssey!  What better place to do that?  Click HERE to see and read more about the voyage.
The 2018 Classical Seminar in Rome was a success thanks to faculty director, Sarah Levin-Richardson, two graduate Teaching Assistants, Edgar García and Josh Zacks, ten dedicated undergraduate students, and the support of donors whose gifts helped make the program and the students' travel to Rome possible. This year's seminar focused on religious experiences of ancient Rome.  Highlights included day trips to the Sanctuary of Fortuna at Praeneste (where, according to legend, a young… Read more