Senior Essays

Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Scott Yonek. "πολύτροπος and the Homeric Proem," Senior Essay, 2021  Undergraduate, Senior Essays
Maria Bogomolova. "Liberation and Peace by Overcoming the Fear of the Unknown: A Case Study Looking at Oedipus and Neo," Senior Essay 2021 Undergraduate, Senior Essays
Alexandra Smith. "Medea: Madness, Murder, and Mental Health," Senior Essay, 2021 Undergraduate, Senior Essays
Hunter Cisiewski. "Caesar in Iraq: How Rome's Imperator is reflected in 21st Century America," Senior Essay, 2021 Undergraduate, Senior Essays
Jocelyn Harlan. "Women in Classical Athenian Law Courts." Senior Essay, 2021. Undergraduate, Senior Essays
Yadi Wang. "Medea the Serial Killer." Senior Essay, 2021. Undergraduate, Senior Essays
Yiru Luo, "The Representation of Rape Motifs in the Founding Narratives of Rome" Senior Essay 2020.  Undergraduate, Senior Essays
Samantha Marsh, "The Evolution of the Heroic Mold." Senior Essay. 2020. Undergraduate, Senior Essays
Theodore Anderson, “The Robbers of the Roman Hive: A Study of Bees in Varro's De Re Rustica 3” Senior Essay 2020 Undergraduate, Senior Essays
Michael McAdams. "Catullus and Fragile Masculinity: An Analysis of Gender Concepts from the Roman Republic and their Impact on Modern Homophobia and Rape Culture." Senior Essay, 2020. Undergraduate, Senior Essays
Feiyang Liu, "Age of Decadence: a Stylistic Comparison of the Commentary of Zuo and Ab Urbe Condita Book I" (Senior Essay, 2020) Undergraduate, Senior Essays
Forrest Martin, "Paronomasia and Polysemy in LXX-Amos" Undergraduate, Senior Essays
Owen Coats,  The Fallen Science: The Tradition and Skepticism of Ancient Astrology. Senior Essay 2020.  Undergraduate, Senior Essays
Elizabeth Abel. "From Antiquity to Modernity: Psychological Constructs of Gender in Ovid's Metamorphoses." Senior Essay, 2020. Undergraduate, Senior Essays
Anita Chen. "Life of a Foreign Prostitute in Athens." Senior Essay, 2020. Undergraduate, Senior Essays
Madolyn Hyytiainen-Jacobson, "Mycenaean Feasting and the Reimagining of Greek Temple and Religious Practice" (Senior Essay, 2019) Undergraduate, Senior Essays
Alana Edmondson, “The Female Persuasion: Gendering Medical Care Amongst Women in Roman Antiquity.” (Senior Essay 2019) Undergraduate, Senior Essays
Piers Foley. "The Depiction of Battle between Homer and Virgil." Senior Essay, 2019. Undergraduate, Senior Essays
Emily Zhang, "Timeless Journey: The Odyssey in a video game." (Senior Essay 2019) Undergraduate, Senior Essays
Sierra Rasmussen. "'The Intimacy of your Thighs'." Senior Essay, 2019. Undergraduate, Senior Essays
Katherine Evans, "War and Religion in Livy Book 1: Romulus and Numa as Archetypes" (Senior Essay 2019) Undergraduate, Senior Essays
William McInnis. "Slavery from Antiquity to Modern History: Common Threads." Senior Essay, 2018. Undergraduate, Senior Essays
Rose Bugel-Shunra. "Lamentation in Catullus 64 and Implications Thereof." Senior Essay, 2018. Undergraduate, Senior Essays
Robert Szender. "Catullus and Vergil: An Inquiry into Influence and Allusion." Senior Essay, 2018. Undergraduate, Senior Essays
Sarah Barrie, “…Along with me you enjoyed fame as a medical practitioner”: The similarities and differences between midwives and female physicians in the ancient world (Senior Essay 2018) Undergraduate, Senior Essays