Suh Young Choi, "A Quantitative Analysis of Archaisms in Livy’s Prehistory of Rome in the "Ab Urbe Condita”" |
Undergraduate, Honors Theses |
Classics, History |
Lorraine Abagatnan. "The Role of Food in the Hellenistic and Roman Colonization of Ancient North Transjordan." Honors Thesis, 2020. |
Undergraduate, Honors Theses |
Anthropology, Archaeology, Classics, Near Eastern Studies, Postcolonial |
Petersen, E., "Enemies and the End of the Republic: Comparing Cicero’s In Catilinam and Philippicae." |
Undergraduate, Honors Theses |
History, Oratory, Philology, Political Science, Rhetoric and Composition, Roman History and Culture |
David Bloomsburg. "The Scale of the Epic Cast in Watership Down, The Lord of the Rings, and Vergil's Aeneid." Honors Thesis, 2018. |
Undergraduate, Honors Theses |
Classics |
James P. Piper. "Ankles and Vulnerability in Greek Thought: A Study of Connotations." Honors Thesis, 2015. |
Undergraduate, Honors Theses |
Body, Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies, Greek Literature, Historical Linguistics |
David Brodhead. "Modern Dystocia: Ancient Perspectives on a Timeless Issue." Honors Thesis, 2014. |
Undergraduate, Honors Theses |
Body, Greek History and Culture, Medicine, Roman History and Culture, Science and Technology |
Benjamin Winslow. Lost in Translation: The Issues of Trans-cultural Communication of Sacrificial Terminology in the Septuagintal Leviticus (Honors Thesis, in progress) |
Undergraduate, Honors Theses |
Bible Studies, Religion |
Kathleen Noll, 'The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Imperial Women in Tacitus and Cassius Dio', Honors Thesis 2014. |
Undergraduate, Honors Theses |
Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies, Historiography, History, Imperial Rome, Roman History and Culture |
Malia Piper. "Bad Girls: The Role of the Mala in Ancient Greek and Roman Literature." Honors Thesis, 2013. |
Undergraduate, Honors Theses |
Greek Literature, Roman History and Culture, Latin Literature, Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies |
R. Allen Snider. "Narrative magic: an analysis of some ancient contes fantastiques." Honors Thesis, 2013. |
Undergraduate, Honors Theses |
Religion |
Molly Ostheller. "Truth and Authority: Homer, Hesiod, and the Challenge of Early Philosophy." Honors Thesis, 2013. |
Undergraduate, Honors Theses |
Philosophy |
Edward Nolan. "Hoc Domicilium Clarissimi Imperi: Rome and the Rhetorical Use of Location in the Catilinarians and De Domo Sua." Honors Thesis, 2012. |
Undergraduate, Honors Theses |
Latin Literature, Visual Culture |
John Benefiel. "Exemplary Oratory in Livy: the cases of Camillus and Scipio." Honors Thesis, 2012. |
Undergraduate, Honors Theses |
Latin Literature, Historiography, Oratory |
Anysia Dumont. "A Song of Deadly Desire: The Evolution of the Sexy Siren in Late Antique Allegory." Honors Thesis, 2012. |
Undergraduate, Honors Theses |
Greek Literature, Late Antiquity |
Honors thesis students 2002-2010. Catherine Basl, Marie La Fond, Jacqui Pincus (all 2009-10), Nicholas Rupert (2008-09), Josh Fincher (2007-08), Jody Valentine (2002-03). |
Undergraduate, Honors Theses |
Classics |