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Honors Theses

Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Suh Young Choi, "A Quantitative Analysis of Archaisms in Livy’s Prehistory of Rome in the "Ab Urbe Condita”"  Undergraduate, Honors Theses Classics, History
Lorraine Abagatnan. "The Role of Food in the Hellenistic and Roman Colonization of Ancient North Transjordan." Honors Thesis, 2020. Undergraduate, Honors Theses Anthropology, Archaeology, Classics, Near Eastern Studies, Postcolonial
Petersen, E., "Enemies and the End of the Republic: Comparing Cicero’s In Catilinam and Philippicae." Undergraduate, Honors Theses History, Oratory, Philology, Political Science, Rhetoric and Composition, Roman History and Culture
David Bloomsburg. "The Scale of the Epic Cast in Watership Down, The Lord of the Rings, and Vergil's Aeneid." Honors Thesis, 2018. Undergraduate, Honors Theses Classics
James P. Piper. "Ankles and Vulnerability in Greek Thought: A Study of Connotations." Honors Thesis, 2015. Undergraduate, Honors Theses Body, Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies, Greek (Classical), Historical Linguistics
David Brodhead. "Modern Dystocia: Ancient Perspectives on a Timeless Issue." Honors Thesis, 2014. Undergraduate, Honors Theses Body, Greek History and Culture, Medicine, Roman History and Culture, Science and Technology
Benjamin Winslow. Lost in Translation: The Issues of Trans-cultural Communication of Sacrificial Terminology in the Septuagintal Leviticus (Honors Thesis, in progress) Undergraduate, Honors Theses Bible Studies, Religion
Kathleen Noll, 'The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Imperial Women in Tacitus and Cassius Dio', Honors Thesis 2014. Undergraduate, Honors Theses Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies, Historiography, History, Imperial Rome, Roman History and Culture
Malia Piper. "Bad Girls: The Role of the Mala in Ancient Greek and Roman Literature." Honors Thesis, 2013. Undergraduate, Honors Theses Greek (Classical), Roman History and Culture, Latin Literature, Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies
R. Allen Snider. "Narrative magic: an analysis of some ancient contes fantastiques." Honors Thesis, 2013. Undergraduate, Honors Theses Religion
Molly Ostheller. "Truth and Authority: Homer, Hesiod, and the Challenge of Early Philosophy." Honors Thesis, 2013. Undergraduate, Honors Theses Philosophy
Edward Nolan. "Hoc Domicilium Clarissimi Imperi: Rome and the Rhetorical Use of Location in the Catilinarians and De Domo Sua." Honors Thesis, 2012. Undergraduate, Honors Theses Latin Literature, Visual Culture
John Benefiel. "Exemplary Oratory in Livy: the cases of Camillus and Scipio." Honors Thesis, 2012. Undergraduate, Honors Theses Latin Literature, Historiography, Oratory
Anysia Dumont. "A Song of Deadly Desire: The Evolution of the Sexy Siren in Late Antique Allegory." Honors Thesis, 2012. Undergraduate, Honors Theses Greek (Classical), Late Antiquity
Honors thesis students 2002-2010. Catherine Basl, Marie La Fond, Jacqui Pincus (all 2009-10), Nicholas Rupert (2008-09), Josh Fincher (2007-08), Jody Valentine (2002-03). Undergraduate, Honors Theses Classics