“Psyche and Cupid” Film Features Cast and Crew from UW Classics

Submitted by Deborah E Kamen on

This spring saw the film debut of “Psyche and Cupid,” written by Lauren Dudley (BA ’13, also doing prop design and construction), Ashli Baker (PhD ’11, also serving as dramaturg), and Rebecca Tourino Collinsworth (also serving as director), and produced by Trial & Error Productions. This fantastic film, which features a combination of human actors, puppets, and music, is based on the story of Cupid and Psyche, a tale narrated in the second-century CE novel Metamorphoses or Golden Ass by the North African Roman writer Apuleius. While the film stays remarkably faithful to the original, some welcome modifications were made to suit the tastes of a modern audience, including a more female-centered focus on Psyche’s agency. The cast of voice actors includes, among others, Prof. Emeritx Ruby Blondell, Naomi Campa (PhD ‘14), and Prof. Olga Levaniouk.

The film can be viewed at https://vimeo.com/738389666. The password is Apuleius.
