Jim Clauss on how the Greeks put the world in order: Ancient Greek perspectives in Physics and Astronomy's Cosmologies and Cultures course

Submitted by Catherine M Connors on
Aion, the god of Eternity, surrounded by a celestial sphere. Mosaic from Sassoferrato Italy, now in Munich Glypothek (200-250 CE)

Students in Prof. Bruce Balick's Cosmologies and Cultures course study theories of the origins of the universe. They learn about the Big Bang Theory, and place that in the context of human history and culture through lectures from seven guest speakers across the University. Jim Clauss contributed his expertise on Greek stories of the origin of the cosmos, the Greek word for the ordered universe. On April 19 Physics and Astronomy is sponsoring 'Cosmology, Cultures, and the Big Bang', including lecture, student presentations, and faculty panel discussion. See more in A&S Perspectives: https://artsci.washington.edu/news/2016-03/cosmology?utm_source=perspec…
