Prof. Deborah Kamen (she/her),
MTWF 1.30-2.20pm, Denny 110
Office hour: Thurs 1.30-2.30pm and by appointment, Denny 262F
In this course, we will read Plato’s Apology in Greek and review grammar by composing sentences in Greek. Class time will generally be devoted to translating Plato; we will also have a handful of class sessions devoted to reviewing prose composition assignments.
Required textbook:
G. P. Rose (ed.), Plato’s Apology (Bryn Mawr Commentaries 1989)
Here is a pdf scan of the commentary.
NOTE: Any student enrolled in an ancient Greek or Latin language course at UW can apply for funding for that course from our Undergraduate Textbook Fund
Useful references:
- Logeion (free online Greek dictionary)
- H. W. Smyth, Greek Grammar for Colleges
- S. C. Woodhouse, English-Greek Dictionary
- Apparatus criticus guide to abbreviations
Participation and daily preparation: 20%
Prose composition assignments: 20%
Exam 1: 20%
Exam 2: 20%
Exam 3: 20%
Daily preparation entails reading (before class) the assigned passages of Plato's Apology. Participation entails translating aloud in class, discussing the text, and answering questions. It's always best to come to class even if you haven't had a chance to prepare; if you don't feel up for translating on a particular day, just let me know (either before or during class) and I won't call on you.
Prose composition assignments will be posted on Canvas under 'Assignments' at least 48 hours in advance of their due date and must be completed by the due date. NOTE: Prose comps don't have to be perfect to earn full credit! You just have to show that you've put in a good-faith effort. We will go over the sentences together in class; please bring a pen of a different color in order to correct your work, and I will collect your assignments at the end of class.
Each exam will cover passages of Plato read since the last exam. Exams will primarily involve: 1) translating passages of Plato; 2) answering grammatical and other questions about those passages. Except in the case of serious illness, family emergency, or religious observance, make-up exams will not be given and prose composition assignments will not be accepted late.
Any student requiring special accommodations should provide me with a letter from the Disability Resources for Students Office as soon as possible.
Religious Accommodations Policy:
Washington state law requires that UW develop a policy for accommodation of student absences or significant hardship due to reasons of faith or conscience, or for organized religious activities. The UW’s policy, including more information about how to request an accommodation, is available at Religious Accommodations Policy. Accommodations must be requested within the first two weeks of this course using the Religious Accommodations Request form.
Academic Integrity:
University of Washington students are expected to practice high standards of academic and professional honesty and integrity. Instances of academic dishonesty (including cheating and plagiarizing) will result in being reported for academic misconduct. In this class, academic misconduct includes the use of ChatGPT, Large Language Models (LLMs), or any other AI tools.
UW COVID-19 Face Covering Policy:
Masking is optional except in certain situations: see UW's Face Covering Policy.
ACCESS Student Policy:
I follow the ACCESS Student Policy as described on the UW Registrar website: “ACCESS students attend classes on an audit basis as a non-matriculated student. As an auditor, you may not participate in class discussions, take tests, or submit papers.”
NOTE: I will add reading assignments to the syllabus over the course of the term.
Week 1:
Jan. 6: Introduction [no in-person class; watch the video under Panopto Recordings]
Jan. 7: Email Prof. Kamen a brief bio; read through 17b6 in Plato’s Apology
Jan. 8: Read through 17c7
Jan. 10: Read through 18a6
Week 2:
Jan. 13: Read through 18c3
Jan 14: Read through 18e3
Jan 15: Read through 19c1
Jan 17: Prose composition #1 (NOTE: you can find prose composition assignments under 'Assignments')
Week 3:
Jan 21: Read through 19d7
Jan 22: Read through 20a5
Jan 24: Read through 20c2
Week 4:
Jan 27: Read through 20e2
Jan 28: Read through 21a8
Jan 29: EXAM 1
Jan 31: Prose composition #2
Week 5:
Feb 3: Read through 21c8
Feb 4: Read through 22b2
Feb 5: Read through 22d4
Feb 7: Read through 23a7
Week 6:
Feb 10: Read through 23c7
Feb 11: Read through 24a4
Feb 12: Read through 24c2
Feb 14: Prose composition #3
Week 7:
Feb 18 Read through 24e8
Feb 19: Read through 25c4
Feb 21: Read through 25e4
Week 8:
Feb 24: NO CLASS (Prof. Kamen out of town); submit Prose composition #4 online
Feb 25: EXAM 2
Feb 26: Read through 26c1
Feb 28: Read through 26e5
Week 9:
Mar 3: Read through 27c3
Mar 4: Read through 28a1
Mar 5: Read through 28c5
Mar 7: Read through 29a1
Week 10:
Mar 10: Read through 29c6
Mar 11: Read through 30a7
Mar 12: Read through 30d1
Mar 14: Prose composition #5
Mar. 17: EXAM 3 2.30-4.20pm
Percentage Earned |
Grade-Point Equivalent |
100-97 |
4.0 |
96-95 |
3.9 |
94 |
3.8 |
93-92 |
3.7 |
91 |
3.6 |
90-89 |
3.5 |
88-87 |
3.4 |
86 |
3.3 |
85 |
3.2 |
84 |
3.1 |
83 |
3.0 |
82 |
2.9 |
81 |
2.8 |
80 |
2.7 |
79 |
2.6 |
78 |
2.5 |
77 |
2.4 |
76 |
2.3 |
75 |
2.2 |
74 |
2.1 |
73 |
2.0 |
72 |
1.9 |
71 |
1.8 |
70 |
1.7 |
69 |
1.6 |
68 |
1.5 |
67 |
1.4 |
66 |
1.3 |
65 |
1.2 |
64 |
1.1 |
63 |
1.0 |
62 |
0.9 |
61 |
0.8 |
60 |
0.7 |
59 and x < 59 |
0.0 |