CLAS 101 C: Latin and Greek in Current Use

Summer 2025 Full-term
to be arranged / * *
Section Type:
Syllabus Description (from Canvas):

Classics 101 has for many years been a popular 2-credit course option for students throughout UW.  The course is designed to improve and increase English vocabulary through a study of the Latin and Greek elements in English, with emphasis on words in current literary and scientific use.  The Latin and Greek elements learned in this course will help you better understand how many English words have evolved, and prepare you to continue expanding your English vocabulary well after the class is over.  More than that, the course examines the ever-changing relationship between language and ideas in order to better understand the continuing impact of classical Greece and Rome on modern culture.  Classics 101 gives you a sense of the words, ideas, and stories that we have adopted from the ancient Greeks and Romans, and helps you identify classical influence when you encounter it.  Knowledge of Latin or Greek is not required.

The required textbook is Dominik’s Words and Ideas.

This course counts for the following General Education requirement:  A&H

Six sections at different times available, including this one.

Please note that this course will be offered online in asynchronous format

Catalog Description:
Designed to improve and increase English vocabulary through a study of the Latin and Greek elements in English, with emphasis on words in current literary and scientific use. Knowledge of Latin or Greek is not required. Offered: AWSpS.
GE Requirements Met:
Arts and Humanities (A&H)
Last updated:
March 11, 2025 - 10:43 am