Prof. Deborah Kamen,
MW 2.30-4.20pm, DEN 257
In this course, we will read (in Greek) Lysias 1 and 12; pseudo-Demosthenes 59 (Against Neaira); and Demosthenes’ Olynthiacs 1 and 2. The aim is to introduce students to Attic oratory by reading all of the oratory on the newly revised Greek PhD reading list!
Required texts:
Available in the UW bookstore (and also on reserve in the seminar room):
Edwards, M. J. (1999) Lysias: Five Speeches: 1, 12, 19, 22, 30. Bristol.
McQueen, E. I. (1986) Demosthenes: Olynthiacs. Bristol.
Kamen, D. (2018) Pseudo-Demosthenes: Against Neaira. Dickinson College Commentaries. Carlisle, PA.
Grading for this course is based on four quizzes, in-class translation of Lysias and Demosthenes, and discussion of assigned scholarship. Quizzes will be in the style of the Greek PhD exam passages (i.e., 15-20 line passages to be translated in half an hour) and will not be cumulative. Because we will probably not have time to translate all of the assigned reading in class, students should come to class with specific questions or passages they would like to examine. All assigned articles will be available on the course website.