CL AR 541 A: Seminar in Greek and Roman Art

Spring 2025
TTh 2:30pm - 4:20pm / * *
Section Type:
Joint Sections:
ART H 541 A
Syllabus Description (from Canvas):

CLAR 541: Approaches to Latin Inscriptions and Graffiti

Spring 2025

T Th 2:30-4:20pm

Denny 257

knowledge of Latin is required


Prof. Sarah Levin-Richardson (you can call me Sarah, Professor Levin-Richardson, Professor L-R, or just Professor)

Pronouns: she/her/hers

Office Hours: Wednesdays 2:30-3:30pm and Thursday 1:30-2:30pm, and by appointment

Office: Denny 227; enter the main doors of Denny, pass the water fountain and elevator, and it’s the

first office on the left



In this course, we learn the basic elements of epigraphic research and survey some of the most recent trends in the study of Latin inscriptions and graffiti. Topics to be discussed include writing in the lives of (im)migrants, enslaved individuals, and freedfolks; curses; inscribed poetry; writing and sexuality; memory and protest; and multilingualism (among other topics). The course culminates with individual research projects (a research paper of 15- 20 pages, plus in-class presentation of the project during Week 10). Knowledge of Latin is required.


Learning Objectives:

  1. Learn the basic elements of epigraphic research (see “nuts and bolts” assignments)
  2. Learn and discuss a range of methodological approaches to Latin inscriptions and graffiti
  3. Conduct original research on an epigraphic topic



  • Preparation and Participation: 60% (see learnings objectives A and B above)
  • Research paper preparation (meeting in week 5; topic and bibliography in week 7; presentation in week 10): 10% (learning objective C above)
  • Research Paper: 30% (see learning objective C above)

AI/Chat GPT is not allowed for any assignment. Use of AI/Chat GPT will be considered an academic integrity violation and be reported to the Office of Student Conduct.


Supporting your learning and well being:

If you know of something that might affect your learning (technology problems; health or family crisis; religious observance) please contact me as soon as possible, ideally at the beginning of the quarter, so that I can make appropriate accommodations. Below you can find further resources:

  • UW Counseling Center:
  • Husky Health and Well-Being:
  • Student Technology Loan Program:
  • UW Food Pantry:
  • Disability Resources for Students:
    • If you have already established accommodations with Disability Resources for Students (DRS), please communicate your approved accommodations to me at your earliest convenience so we can discuss your needs in this course.
    • If you have not yet established services through DRS, but have a temporary health condition or permanent disability that requires accommodations (conditions include but not limited to: mental health, attention-related, learning, vision, hearing, physical or health impacts), you are welcome to contact DRS at or DRS offers resources and coordinates reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities and/or temporary health conditions.  Reasonable accommodations are established through an interactive process between you, your instructor(s) and DRS.  It is the policy and practice of the University of Washington to create inclusive and accessible learning environments consistent with federal and state law.
  • Religious Accommodations:
    • Washington state law requires that UW develop a policy for accommodation of student absences or significant hardship due to reasons of faith or conscience, or for organized religious activities. The UW’s policy, including more information about how to request an accommodation, is available at Religious Accommodations Policy . Accommodations must be requested within the first two weeks of this course using the Religious Accommodations Request form .
  • Illness
    • Keep yourself and the rest of our community healthy! If you are feeling unwell, please stay home until you are better!
    • UW’s current mask recommendations are as follows:
      • Masks are strongly recommended when resuming normal activities after having COVID-19 or another respiratory illness, indoors when around others, for the next five days.
      • Masks are strongly recommended after COVID-19 exposure,indoors when around others, until five days have passed from when you were exposed. In addition, follow the Public Health Flowchart for COVID-19 and Respiratory Virus Symptoms.
    • Free masks are available at the information and circulation desks at UW Libraries locations
  • Getting in touch with each other
    • Please check Canvas and your UW email daily; this is how I will communicate with you about pertinent information. You are responsible for all information disseminated over email and through the course website, in addition to information discussed in class.
    • I will respond to emails by the end of the next working day (which means that if you email me on Friday afternoon, I may not respond until Monday afternoon).
  • Creating and supporting our community
    • All members of the class are expected to follow the community norms established on the first day of class.


Schedule of Topics/Readings (all readings are on canvas unless otherwise indicated through a link):


Week 1

T April 1: Introduction (no readings)

Th April 3: Literacies

  • Bodel, John. 2014. “Inscriptions and Literacy,” in The Oxford Handbook of Roman Epigraphy, ed. C. Bruun and J. Edmonson. Oxford. Pp. 745-763.
  • Franklin, James L., Jr.. 1991. “Literacy and the parietal inscriptions of Pompeii,” in Literacy in the Roman World. Ann Arbor: Journal or Roman Archaeology Supplementary Series. Pp. 77-98.
  • Levin-Richardson, Sarah. 2013. “fututa sum hic: Female Subjectivity and Agency in Pompeian Sexual Graffiti.” Classical Journal 108: 319-45. [read pp. 321-327 (stop before section on subjectivity)]
  • Jensen, Minna Skafte. 2019. Review of Anne Kolb, ed. 2018. Literacy in Ancient Everyday Life. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, in Bryn Mawr Classical Review:


Week 2

T April 8: Romanization

  • Lo Cascio, Elio. 2001. “The process of Romanization,” in The Epigraphic Collection, eds. Mariarosaria Borreillo and Teresa Giove. Trans. Federico Poole. Naples: Electa Napoli. 28-34. Benelli, Enrico. 2001. “The Romanization of Italy through the epigraphic record.” In Italy and the West: Comparative Issues in Romanization, S. Keay and N. Terrenato. Oxford: Oxbow books. 7-16.
  • Solin, Heikki. 2012. “On the use of Greek in Campania.” In Variation and Change in Greek and Latin, eds. Martti Leiwo, Hilla Halla-aho, and Marja Vierros. Helsinki. 97-114.

Th April 10: (Im)migration and identity

NB: Friday April 11 3:30pm: Ramgopal talk on “When is an Italian a Roman?” in Denny 112 and on zoom


Week 3

T April 15: Ethnic Identity

  • Nguyen, Kelly. 2022. “What’s in a Natio: Negotiating Ethnic Identity in the Roman Empire.” In L. Roig Lanzillotta, J. L. Brandão, C. Teixeira, and Á. Rodrigues, eds. Roman Identity. Turnhout: Brepols. Pp. 371-393.
  • McClean, Rose. 2023. “Nationesof Enslaved and Freed Romans.” In Elena Muñiz-Grijalvo, Rosario Moreno Soldevila, eds. Understanding integration in the Roman world. Leiden; Boston: Brill. Pp. 51-69.

Th April 17: Nuts and bolts I

  • Do Nuts and Bolts I assignment in week 3 folder


Week 4

T April 22: Texts on enslaved bodies

  • Trimble, Jennifer. 2016. “The Zoninus Collar and the Archaeology of Roman Slavery.” American Journal of Archaeology 120: 447-472.
  • Baird, Jennifer. 2015. “On Reading the Material Culture of Ancient Sexual Labor.” Helios 42: 163-175.
  • Kamen, Deborah. 2010. “A Corpus of Inscriptions: Representing Slave marks in Antiquity.” Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome 55: 95-110.

Th April 24: Creative Approaches to Slavery

  • Hartman, Saidiya. 2007: Lose Your Mother: A Journey Along the Atlantic Slave Route, New York. [chapter 7: The Dead Book]
  • Hartman, Saidiya. 2008: ‘Venus in two acts’, Small Axe 26, 1–14.
  • Kamen, Deborah and Sarah Levin-Richardson. 2022. “Epigraphy and Critical Fabulation: Imagining Narratives of Greco-Roman Sexual Slavery” with Deborah Kamen. In Dynamic Epigraphy: New Approaches to Inscriptions, ed. E. Cousins. Oxbow, 201–221.


Week 5: [individual research-project meetings this week]

T April 29: Epigraphic Poetry

  • Schmidt, Manfred. 2014. “Carmina Latina Epigraphica,” in The Oxford Handbook of Roman Epigraphy, ed. C. Bruun and J. Edmondson. Oxford. 764-781. [read only section on The Carmina Latina Epigraphica on pages 5-7 of the document on Canvas]
  • Haley, Shelley. 2009. “Be Not Afraid of the Dark: Critical Race Theory and Classical Studies,” in Prejudice and Christian beginnings: investigating race, gender, and ethnicity in Early Christian Studies, ed. L. Nasrallah and E. Schüssler Fiorenza. Minneapolis: Fortress Press. Pp. 27-50.
  • Milnor, Kristina. 2014. Graffiti and the Literary Landscape in Roman Pompeii. New York: Oxford University Press. [read chapter 3 pp. 137-159, 175-189]

Th May 1: Epigraphic Poetry

  • Funsten, Grace. 2024. “A Learned Dog: Roman Elegy and the Epitaph for Margarita.” The Classical Journal 119: 320-46.
  • Nuts and Bolts II


Week 6

T May 6: Binding Spells

  • Gager, John, ed. 1992. Curse Tablets and Binding spells from the Ancient World. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [e-book available through UW library; read Introduction]
  • Breitenfeld, Sarah Brucia. 2023. “May the Thief Become as Liquid as Water: Persuasion and Power in a Curse Tablet from Roman Bath.” In Benefiel & C. Keesling, eds. Inscriptions and the Epigraphic Habit. Brill Studies in Greek and Roman Epigraphy. Leiden: Brill. Pp. 321–338.

NB: Bernadette Brooten talk this evening at 7pm in Kane 220 (“Female Title Bearers and Gender Constructions in Ancient Synagogues”)

Th May 8:  Binding Spells

  • Huemoeller, Katharine. 2020. “Freedom in Marriage? Manumission and Marriage in the Roman World.” Journal of Roman Studies 110: 123-139.

NB: Bernadette Brooten webinar at 4pm on “Christian and Jewish Women Desiring Women in the Early Roman Empire”


Week 7 [paper topic and bibliography due this week]

T May 13: Language and Culture Contact

  • Mullen, Alex. 2012. “Introduction: Multiple languages, multiples identities.” In A. Mullen and P. James, Multilingualism in the Graeco-Roman Worlds. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1-35.
  • Ashby (as Bumbaugh), Solange. 2011. “Meroitic Worship of Isis at Philae.” In Egypt in its African Context, ed. K. Exell. Oxford: BAR International Series. Pp. 66-69.
  • Trilingual Dedication by Cornelius Gallus at Philae [see Gordon #22 and pp. 29-30 of the article on Egyptian Hieroglyphs]

Th May 15: Bodily Variation

  • Molkova, Diana. 2023. The Lived Experience of Short-Statured People in the Early Roman Empire. PhD Dissertation, University of Washington. [read Chapters 2 and 3]


Week 8

T May 20: Sexualities

  • Williams, Craig. 2014. “Sexual Themes in Greek and Latin Graffiti,” in A companion to Greek and Roman Sexualities, ed. T. L. Hubbard. Blackwell. Pp. 493-507. [start on p. 494 with “Most graffiti are…”]
  • Levin-Richardson, Sarah. 2013. “fututa sum hic: Female Subjectivity and Agency in Pompeian Sexual Graffiti.” Classical Journal 108: 319-45
  • Milnor, Kristina. 2014. Graffiti and the Literary Landscape in Roman Pompeii. New York: Oxford University Press. [read chapter 4]

Th May 22: Memory


Week 9

T May 27: Resistance

  • Zadorojnyi, Alexei. 2011. “Transcripts of Dissent? Political Graffiti and Elite Ideology Under the Principate.” In Ancient Graffiti in Context, eds. J.A. Baird and C. Taylor. Routledge. 110-133. [e-book available through UW library]
  • Pandey, Nandini. 2014. “Reading Rome from the Farther Shore: Aeneid 6 in the Augustan Urban Landscape.” Vergilius 60: 85-116.

Th May 29: Art and Text

  • Bergmann, Bettina. 2006. “A painted garland: weaving words and images in the House of the Epigrams in Pompeii.” In Art and Inscriptions in the Ancient World, eds. Z. Newby and R. Leader-Newby. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 60-101. [on canvas];
  • Clarke, John. “High and Low: Mocking Philosophers in the Tavern of the Seven Sages, Ostia.” In The Art of Citizens, Soldiers and Freedmen in the Roman World, eds. E. D’Ambra and G. P. R. Métraux. Oxford. 47-57. [on canvas]


Week 10

T June 3: research paper presentations

Th June 5: research paper presentations


Research papers due by the end of the day (midnight) on Tuesday June 10 via uploading to Canvas


Catalog Description:
In-depth study of selected topics and problems of the art of ancient Greece and Rome. Offered: jointly with ART H 541.
Last updated:
March 30, 2025 - 10:05 am