Sarah Levin-Richardson. "Domestic Violence and Servile Vulnerability in the House of the Vettii, Pompeii." Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies 66 (2023): 97-110. |
Publications, Articles |
Archaeology, Classics, Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies, Imperial Rome, Visual Culture |
Kathryn Topper. 2022. “Mythography and Greek Vase Painting,” in The Oxford Handbook of Greek and Roman Mythography, eds. Stephen Trzaskoma and R. Scott Smith. Oxford: Oxford UP. 477–489. |
Publications, Essays |
Ancient, Art History, Classics, Folklore and Mythology, Greek Literature, Literature, Visual Arts, Visual Culture |
Sarah Levin-Richardson. Il lupanare di Pompei: Sesso, classe e genere ai margini della società romana. Carocci editore, 2020. |
Publications, Books |
Archaeology, Body, Classics, Feminism and Feminist Theory, Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies, Roman History and Culture, Visual Culture |
Kathryn Topper. “Dionysos Comes to Thrace: The Metaphor of Corrupted Sacrifice and the Introduction of Dionysian Cult in Images of Lykourgos’s Madness,” Arethusa 48.2 (2015) 139-171 |
Publications, Essays |
Art History, Classics, Folklore and Mythology, Greek History and Culture, Race and Ethnicity, Religion, Visual Arts, Visual Culture |
Ancient Sex: New Essays, ed. Ruby Blondell and Kirk Ormand. Ohio University Press, 2015. |
Publications, Books |
Greek Literature, Latin Literature, Classics, Feminism and Feminist Theory, Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies, Intellectual History, Queer Studies, Visual Culture |
Kathryn Topper. The Imagery of the Athenian Symposium. Cambridge University Press: 2012. |
Publications, Books |
Archaeology, Art History, Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies, Greek History and Culture, Visual Culture |
Kathryn Topper. "Approaches to Reading Attic Vases," in A Companion to Women in the Ancient World, eds. Sheila Dillon and Sharon L. James (Wiley-Blackwell, Malden 2012) 141-152 |
Publications, Essays |
Art History, Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies, Greek History and Culture, Visual Arts, Visual Culture |
Catherine M. Connors. "Eratosthenes, Strabo and the Geographer's Gaze." Pacific Coast Philology 46.2 Special Issue: Literature, Culture and the Environment (2011): 139-52. |
Publications, Essays |
Greek History and Culture, Roman History and Culture, Hellenistic, Ecocriticism, Visual Culture |
Kathryn Topper. "Maidens, Fillies, and the Death of Medusa on a Seventh-Century Pithos," JHS 130 (2010) 109-119 |
Publications, Essays |
Animal Studies, Art History, Body, Folklore and Mythology, Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies, Greek History and Culture, Visual Arts, Visual Culture |
Kathryn Topper. "Primitive Life and the Construction of the Sympotic Past in Athenian Vase Painting," AJA 113.1 (2009) 3-26 |
Publications, Essays |
Archaeology, Art History, Greek History and Culture, Visual Arts, Visual Culture |
Kathryn Topper. "Perseus, the Maiden Medusa, and the Imagery of Abduction," Hesperia 76.1 (2007) 73-105 |
Publications, Essays |
Art History, Folklore and Mythology, Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies, Greek History and Culture, Visual Arts, Visual Culture |