
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
James J. Clauss and Scott Noegel, "Near Eastern Poetics in Callimachus's Hymn to Apollo," Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, Vol 113, 2023, pp. 141-199. Publications, Essays
Alain M. Gowing, Response: APA Panel on '‘Historiography, Poetry, and the Intertext’, 4 January 2013.  Published in Histos, the online journal of ancient historiography. Publications, Essays
James J. Clauss, Martine Cuypers, Companion to Hellenistic Literature, (Blackwell, 2010; paperback edition 2014) Publications, Books
Alain M. Gowing. "Afterword." J. Farrell and D. Nelis, eds. Augustan Poetry and the Roman Republic. Oxford University Press: 2013. Publications, Essays
Sarah Culpepper Stroup. “Without Patronage: Fetishization, Representation, and the Circulation of Gift-Texts in the Late Roman Republic.”  The Gift in Antiquity. Wiley-Blackwell: 2013. Publications, Essays
James J. Clauss. "The Argonautic Anabasis: Myth and Hellenic Identity in Apollonius' Argonautica, Mythe et pouvoir a' l'époque hellénistique (Peeters 2012) 417-437 Publications, Essays
Deborah Kamen. "Slave Agency and Resistance in Martial." R. Alston, E. Hall, and L. Proffitt, eds., Reading Ancient Slavery. London: Bristol Classical Press: 2011. 192-203. Publications, Essays
Sarah Culpepper Stroup. Catullus, Cicero, and a Society of Patrons: The Generation of the Text. Cambridge: 2010. Publications, Books
Sarah Culpepper Stroup. "Invaluable Collections: the Illusion of Poetic Presence in Martial’s Xenia and Apophoreta" Flavian Poetry. Brill: 2005. Publications, Essays