
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Alain M. Gowing, 'Quintilian the Memorious: History and memory in the Institutio Oratoria', in Cultural Memory under the EmpireM. Dinter, ed. (forthcoming CUP 2024) Publications
Alain M. Gowing, "Forgetting Germanicus: Reading Valerius Maximus through Tacitus’ Tiberian Books," in J. Murray and D. Wardle, edd., Reading by Example. Valerius Maximus and the Historiography of Exempla (Brill 2021) Publications
'Memory as Motive in Tacitus,' in Aspects of Memory in Ancient Rome and Early Christianity, K. Galinsky, ed. (Oxford 2016), pp. 43-64. Publications
'Cassius Dio and the City of Rome', in Cassius Dio: Greek Intellectual and Roman Politician, C.H. Lange and J.M. Madsen, edd. (Brill 2016) pp. 117-35. Publications
Alexander Hollmann, "Solon in Herodotus" in: Gregory Nagy and Maria Noussia-Fantuzzi (eds), Solon in the Making: The Early Reception in the Fifth and Fourth Centuries. Trends in Classics 2015 vol. 7 issue 1, 85-109. Berlin: De Gruyter Publications, Essays
Alain M. Gowing, Response: APA Panel on '‘Historiography, Poetry, and the Intertext’, 4 January 2013.  Published in Histos, the online journal of ancient historiography. Publications, Essays
James J. Clauss, Martine Cuypers, Companion to Hellenistic Literature, (Blackwell, 2010; paperback edition 2014) Publications, Books
Alexander Hollmann. "Kleisthenes the Stone-Thrower: Hdt. 5.67.2." Mnemosyne. 2012. 1-17. Publications, Essays
Alexander Hollmann. The Master of Signs: Signs and the Interpretation of Signs in Herodotus' Histories. 2011. Publications, Essays
Alexander Hollmann. "The Manipulation of Signs in Herodotus' Histories." Transactions of the American Philological Association. 2005. 279-327. Publications, Essays
Alexander Hollmann. "Epos as Authoritative Speech in Herodotus’ Histories." Harvard Studies in Classical Philology. 2000. 207-225. Publications, Essays
Alain M. Gowing. The Triumviral Narratives of Appian and Cassius Dio. University of Michigan Press: 1992. Publications, Books