
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Kathryn Topper. "Approaches to Reading Attic Vases," in A Companion to Women in the Ancient World, eds. Sheila Dillon and Sharon L. James (Wiley-Blackwell, Malden 2012) 141-152 Publications, Essays
Deborah Kamen. "Reconsidering the Status of khôris oikountes." Dike 14 (2011): 43-53. Publications, Essays
Alexander Hollmann. "A Curse Tablet from Antioch against Babylas the Greengrocer." Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik. 2011. 157-165. Publications, Essays
Alexander Hollmann. The Master of Signs: Signs and the Interpretation of Signs in Herodotus' Histories. 2011. Publications, Essays
Catherine M. Connors. "Eratosthenes, Strabo and the Geographer's Gaze." Pacific Coast Philology 46.2 Special Issue: Literature, Culture and the Environment (2011): 139-52. Publications, Essays
Deborah Kamen. "A Corpus of Inscriptions: Representing Slave Marks in Antiquity." Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome 55 (2010): 95-110. Publications, Essays
Kathryn Topper. "Maidens, Fillies, and the Death of Medusa on a Seventh-Century Pithos," JHS 130 (2010) 109-119 Publications, Essays
Deborah Kamen. "Servile Invective in Classical Athens." Scripta Classica Israelica 28 (2009): 43-56. Publications, Essays
Kathryn Topper. "Primitive Life and the Construction of the Sympotic Past in Athenian Vase Painting," AJA 113.1 (2009) 3-26 Publications, Essays
Deborah Kamen. "The Life Cycle in Archaic Greece." H. A. Shapiro, ed., The Cambridge Companion to Archaic Greece. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press: 2007. 85-107. Publications, Essays
Kathryn Topper. "Perseus, the Maiden Medusa, and the Imagery of Abduction," Hesperia 76.1 (2007) 73-105 Publications, Essays
Alexander Hollmann. "A Curse Tablet from the Circus at Antioch." Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik. 2003. 67-82. Publications, Essays
Alain M. Gowing. The Triumviral Narratives of Appian and Cassius Dio. University of Michigan Press: 1992. Publications, Books
Catherine M. Connors. "Babylonian Stories and the ancient Novel: Magi and the limits of empire in Iamblichus' Babyloniaka." Proceedings of the International Conference on the Ancient Novel 4, ed. D. Konstan and B.D. MacQueen.  Publications, Essays