
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Olga Levaniouk "The Song of the Bed Revisited". In: A. Papachrysostomou, A. Antonopoulos et al., eds.Γερα: Studies in Honor of Professor Menelaos Christopoulos, Classisc@25  Publications, Essays
Olga Levaniouk. "The dreams of Barčin and Penelope." Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 112 (2023) 1-34. Publications, Essays
Olga Levaniouk. "“Seeking Agariste.” In: M. Christopoulos , A. Papachrysostomou  and A. Antonopoulos, eds.Myth and History: Close Encounters. De Gruyter 2022 Publications, Essays
“Seeking Agariste.” Mythical History, Historical Myth. De Gruyter, MythosEikonPoiesis Publications
“The dreams of Barchin and Penelope." Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 113 (forthcoming) Publications, Essays
Stephen E. Hinds. "In and Out of Latin:  Diptych and Virtual Diptych in Marvell, Milton, Du Bellay and Others." In Syrithe Pugh, ed., Conversations: Classical and Renaissance Intertextuality, Manchester U.P. 2020, 55-90 Publications, Essays
Stephen E. Hinds. "Pastoral and its Futures: Reading like (a) Mantuan." Dictynna 14 (2017) [30pp. on paper]  Publications, Essays