
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Sarah Levin-Richardson. "Domestic Violence and Servile Vulnerability in the House of the Vettii, Pompeii." Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies 66 (2023): 97-110. Publications, Articles
Deborah Kamen and Sarah Levin-Richardson. "Approaching Emotions and Agency in Greek and Roman Slavery." In Les lectures contemporaines de l’esclavage: problématiques, méthodologies et analyses depuis les années 1990. Ed. A. Pałuchowski. Bescançon: Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté, 2022. 25-45. Publications, Essays
Sarah Levin-Richardson and Deborah Kamen. “Epigraphy and Critical Fabulation: Imagining Narratives of Greco-Roman Sexual Slavery.” In Dynamic Epigraphy: New Approaches to Inscriptions. Ed. E. Cousins. Oxford: Oxbow Books, 2022. 201-221. Publications, Essays
Sarah Levin-Richardson. “The Public and Private Lives of Pompeian Prostitutes.” In Women’s Lives, Women’s Voices: Roman Material Culture and Female Agency in the Bay of Naples, ed. B. Longfellow and M. Swetnam-Burland. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2021. 177–198. Publications, Essays
Sarah Levin-Richardson. Il lupanare di Pompei: Sesso, classe e genere ai margini della società romana. Carocci editore, 2020. Publications, Books
Sarah Levin-Richardson. “Material Girls: An Introduction.” In Material Girls, ed. M. Lee and L. Hackworth Petersen. Arethusa 53 (2020): 61–67 Publications, Essays
Sarah Levin-Richardson. "Roman and Un-Roman Sex." In Un-Roman Sex: Gender, Sexuality and Lovemaking in the Roman Provinces and Frontiers. Eds. T. Ivleva and R. Collins. Routledge, 2020. 346-359. Publications, Essays
Sarah Levin-Richardson. The Brothel of Pompeii: Sex, Class and Gender at the Margins of Roman Society. Cambridge University Press, 2019. Publications, Books
Megan O'Donald. “The ROTAS ‘Wheel’: Form and Content in a Pompeian Graffito.” Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 205 (2018): 77-91. Publications, Essays
L. J. Bliquez and A.M. Gowing, 'Miscellaneous Minor Objects', in The Collection of Antiquities of the American Academy in Rome, Supplement to the Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome, L. Bonfante and H. Nagy, edd. (Ann Arbor 2016) Publications
Sarah Levin-Richardson. "Bodily Waste and Boundaries in Pompeian Graffiti." In Ancient Obsenities. Eds. D. Dutsch and A. Suter. Univeristy of Michigan Press, 2015. 225–254. Publications, Essays
Sarah Levin-Richardson. “‘Gay’ Pompeii: Pompeian Art and Homosexuality in the Early Twentieth Century.” In Ancient Rome and the Construction of Modern Homosexual Identities. Ed. J. Ingleheart. Oxford University Press, 2015. 197–213. Publications, Essays
Sarah Levin-Richardson. "Calos graffiti and infames at Pompeii." Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 195 (2015): 274-282. Publications, Essays
The Tools of Asclepius.  Surgical Instruments in Greek and Roman Times.  Publications, Books
James J. Clauss, Daniel P. Harmon (translators). Filippo Coarelli, Rome and Environs: An Archeological Guide. University of California Press: 2007; updated edition 2014. Publications, Translations
James J. Clauss. "Callimachus" (1.221-222), "Capitoline Hill" (1.230-231) "Carinae" (1.232), "Forum" (2.498), "Forum Augustum" (2.498-499) "Forum Boarium" (2.499), "Forum Romanum" (2.2.500), "Medea" (2.797)  in R. F. Thomas and J. M. Ziolkowski (edd.) The Virgil Encyclopedia (Wiley-Blackwell 2014) Publications, Essays
Sarah Levin-Richardson. “fututa sum hic: Female Subjectivity and Agency in Pompeian Sexual Graffiti.” Classical Journal 108.3 (2013): 319–45. Publications, Essays
Kathryn Topper. The Imagery of the Athenian Symposium. Cambridge University Press: 2012. Publications, Books
Pierre A. MacKay. "Two Centuries After. A Turkish View of the Venetian Remains in Negropont." Città & Storia 7.1. 2012. 103-115. Publications, Essays
Sarah Levin-Richardson. “Facilis hic futuit:Graffiti and Masculinity in Pompeii’s ‘Purpose-built’ Brothel.” Helios 38.1(2011): 59–78. Publications, Essays
Alexander Hollmann. "A Curse Tablet from Antioch against Babylas the Greengrocer." Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik. 2011. 157-165. Publications, Essays
Kathryn Topper. "Primitive Life and the Construction of the Sympotic Past in Athenian Vase Painting," AJA 113.1 (2009) 3-26 Publications, Essays
Alexander Hollmann. "A Curse Tablet from the Circus at Antioch." Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik. 2003. 67-82. Publications, Essays