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Stephen E. Hinds. "Return to Enna:  Ovid and Ovidianism in Claudian's De Raptu Proserpinae." In L. Fulkerson and T. Stover, eds., Repeat Performances: Ovidian Repetition and the Metamorphoses, U. Wisconsin P. 2016, 249-78 Publications, Essays Classics, Late Antiquity, Latin Literature
James J. Clauss, Martine Cuypers, Ahuvia Kahane (eds.), The Gods of Greek Hexameter Poetry. From the Archaic Age to Late Antiquity and Beyond. Franz Steiner Verlag 2016 Publications, Books, Essays Greek (Classical), Hellenistic, Imperial Rome, Late Antiquity, Latin Literature, Literature, Reception Studies, Religion
Stephen E. Hinds. "The self-conscious cento." Chapter in Decadence: 'Decline and Fall' or 'Other Antiquity.' Heidelberg: Winter: 2014. 171-97. Publications, Essays Late Antiquity, Latin Literature, Roman History and Culture
Stephen E. Hinds. "Displacing Persephone: Epic between Worlds." UCL Housman Lecture (limited-circulation pamphlet). University College London, Dept of Greek and Latin: 2013. Publications, Essays Latin Literature, Late Antiquity
Stephen E. Hinds. "Claudianism in the De Raptu Proserpinae." Generic Interfaces in Latin Literature, eds. T.D. Papanghelis, S.J. Harrison, S. Frangoulidis. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2013. 169-92. Publications, Essays Roman History and Culture, Latin Literature, Late Antiquity
Alexander Hollmann. "A Curse Tablet from Antioch against Babylas the Greengrocer." Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik. 2011. 157-165. Publications, Essays Greek History and Culture, Late Antiquity, Archaeology
Alexander Hollmann. "A Curse Tablet from the Circus at Antioch." Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik. 2003. 67-82. Publications, Essays Greek History and Culture, Late Antiquity, Archaeology