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Stephen Hinds, 'Ovid's exile poetry and zombies', in Joseph Farrell, John Miller, Damien Nelis, Alessandro Schiesaro (eds.), Ovid, Death and Transfiguration, Brill: Mnemosyne Supplements 2023, 251-66 Publications, Essays Latin Literature, Literary Criticism, Popular Culture
James J. Clauss, "The Near Eastern Background of Aetiological Wordplay in Callimachus," in J.J.H. Klooster, M.A. Harder, R.F. Regtuit, G.C. Wakker (edd.) Callimachus Revisited: New Perspectives in Callimachean Scholarship (= Hellenistica Groningana 24) (2019) pp. 65-96. Publications, Essays Hellenistic, Literary Criticism, Near Eastern Studies
Alain M. Gowing, Response: APA Panel on '‘Historiography, Poetry, and the Intertext’, 4 January 2013.  Published in Histos, the online journal of ancient historiography. Publications, Essays Roman History and Culture, Critical Theory, Historiography, History, Literary Criticism, Poetry and Poetics
James J. Clauss, Martine Cuypers, Companion to Hellenistic Literature, (Blackwell, 2010; paperback edition 2014) Publications, Books Greek History and Culture, Latin Literature, Hellenistic, Historiography, Intellectual History, Literary Criticism, Poetry and Poetics, Science and Technology
James J. Clauss. "The Argonautic Anabasis: Myth and Hellenic Identity in Apollonius' Argonautica, Mythe et pouvoir a' l'époque hellénistique (Peeters 2012) 417-437 Publications, Essays Greek (Classical), Hellenistic, Literary Criticism, Poetry and Poetics, Reception Studies
Stephen E. Hinds. "Between Formalism and Historicism." in A. Barchiesi and W. Scheidel, eds., The Oxford Handbook of Roman Studies. Oxford: OUP: 2010. 369-85. Publications, Essays Roman History and Culture, Latin Literature, Literary Criticism
Stephen E. Hinds. Allusion and Intertext:  Dynamics of Appropriation in Roman Poetry. Cambridge: CUP, 1998. Publications, Books Latin Literature, Critical Theory, Literary Criticism
James J. Clauss. The Best of the Argonauts: The Redefinition of the Epic Hero in Book One of Apollonius' Argonautica. University of California Press: 1993. Publications, Books Greek (Classical), Hellenistic, Literary Criticism, Reception Studies