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  • book cover of Il lupanare di Pompeii, including erotic painting from Pompeii
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Olga Levaniouk "The Song of the Bed Revisited". In: A. Papachrysostomou, A. Antonopoulos et al., eds.Γερα: Studies in Honor of Professor Menelaos Christopoulos, Classisc@25  Publications, Essays Classics, Comparative Literature, Folklore and Mythology, Greek (Classical), Philology
Olga Levaniouk. "The dreams of Barčin and Penelope." Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 112 (2023) 1-34. Publications, Essays Classics, Comparative Literature, Folklore and Mythology, Literature, Philology
Olga Levaniouk. "Mystery Cows: Bovine Subplots in Initiation Narratives" In: M. Christopoulos , A. Papachrysostomou, M. Meyer,eds Unveiling the Hidden Face of Antiquity: Mysteries and Cryptic Cults, Phoibos Verlag 2022 Publications, Essays Classics, Folklore and Mythology, Greek (Classical), Philology, Religion
Kathryn Topper. 2022. “Mythography and Greek Vase Painting,” in The Oxford Handbook of Greek and Roman Mythography, eds. Stephen Trzaskoma and R. Scott Smith. Oxford: Oxford UP. 477–489. Publications, Essays Ancient, Art History, Classics, Folklore and Mythology, Greek (Classical), Literature, Visual Arts, Visual Culture
Catherine Connors and Cindy Clendenon, "Mapping Tartaros: Observation, Inference, and Belief in Ancient Greek and Roman Accounts of Karst Terrain," Classical Antiquity 35.2, 147-188 Publications, Essays Classics, Ecocriticism, Folklore and Mythology, Greek (Classical), Roman History and Culture, Science and Technology
'In the Land of the Giants: Greek and Roman Discourses on Vesuvius and the Phlegraean Fields,'llinois Classical Studies Vol. 40, No. 1 (Spring 2015), pp. 121-137 Publications, Essays Classics, Folklore and Mythology, Greek (Classical), Latin Literature