
Author/Title Research Type Related Fields
Adriana M. Vazquez. Vates and Initiates: Augustan Poetic Manipulation of Greek Mystery Cult. Diss., 2017. Graduate, Dissertations
Alberto Requejo. Columella's Georgics: Form, Method, Intertextuality, Ideology. Diss., 2017. Graduate, Dissertations
Alex Dressler. Matter, Language and Attachment in Seneca's Moral Epistles. Diss., 2009. Graduate, Dissertations
Alexandra Kennedy. Leaving Rome: Alienation from and Attachment to the City in Augustan Literature. Diss., 2013. Graduate, Dissertations
Allison Das. When (S)he Spoke: A study of the feminized voice in the Aeschines-Demosthenes orations. Diss.. Graduate, Dissertations
Apollo through Time and Space: From Homer’s Troy to Ovid’s Rome Graduate, Dissertations
Ashli J. Baker. Apuleius' Political Animal: A Socio-Cultural reading of identity in the Metamorphoses. Diss., 2011. Graduate, Dissertations
Braden Mechley. Reading (with) the Animals: Lucretius' Creatures and his Poetic Program. Diss., 1998 (co-chair). Graduate, Dissertations
Bradley Levett. Gorgias the Sophist. Diss., 2002. Graduate, Dissertations
Brandon Jones, The Sophistic Roman: Education and Status in Quintilian, Tacitus and Pliny (2015) Graduate, Dissertations
Bridget Langley. Written on Running Water: Ovidian Poetics in the Roman Waterscape. Diss., 2016. Graduate, Dissertations
Charles Carver. Ἕρκος Ἀθηναίων: The Ajax Myth, the Trojan War, and the Construction of Civic Ideology in Fifth-Century Athens. Diss., 2018. Graduate, Dissertations
Christina E. Franzen. Revulsion and Desire: the Figure of the Monster in the Roman Imperial Imagination. Diss., 2007. Graduate, Dissertations
Christina Vester. The Figure of the Mother in Greek Drama. Diss., 2004. Graduate, Dissertations
Christopher M. Chinn. Statius and the Discourse of Ekphrasis. Diss., 2002. Graduate, Dissertations
Colin Shelton. Semantics and the Structure of Latin Etymological Wordplay. Diss., 2011. Graduate, Dissertations
Daniel A. Conner. Mille simul leti facies: The Allusive Battlefield of Punica 4. Diss., 2018 Graduate, Dissertations
Daniel Curley. Metatheater: Heroines and Ephebes in Ovid's Metamorphoses. Diss., 1999. Graduate, Dissertations
Emma J. Brobeck. Craftsmen, Identity, and Status in the Literature of Flavian Rome. Diss., 2021. Graduate, Dissertations
En versus facio: Rewriting Augustan Elegy in Latin Epitaphs, Maximianus, & Louise Labé, directed by Dr. Stephen Hinds Graduate, Dissertations
Eric Ross. Historical Wisdom: Intellectual Figures and Authorial Persona in Herodotus. Diss., 2007. Graduate, Dissertations
Erika J. Nesholm. Rhetoric and Epistolary Exchange in Ovid's Heroides 16-21. Diss., 2005. Graduate, Dissertations
Ethan T. Adams. Gods and Humans in Ovid's Metamorphoses : Constructions of Identity and the Politics of Status. Diss., 2003. Graduate, Dissertations
Grace Funsten. En versus facio: Rewriting Augustan Elegy in Latin Epitaphs, Maximianus, and Louise Labé. Diss., 2022.  Graduate, Dissertations
Hans-Peder Hanson. Sophistic Epistemology. Diss., 2010. Graduate, Dissertations