Adriana M. Vazquez. Vates and Initiates: Augustan Poetic Manipulation of Greek Mystery Cult. Diss., 2017. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
Classics, Latin Literature, Poetry and Poetics, Religion, Roman History and Culture |
Alberto Requejo. Columella's Georgics: Form, Method, Intertextuality, Ideology. Diss., 2017. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
Classics |
Alex Dressler. Matter, Language and Attachment in Seneca's Moral Epistles. Diss., 2009. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
Latin Literature, Post-Augustan, Critical Theory, Culture, Philosophy |
Alexandra Kennedy. Leaving Rome: Alienation from and Attachment to the City in Augustan Literature. Diss., 2013. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
Latin Literature, Culture |
Allison Das. When (S)he Spoke: A study of the feminized voice in the Aeschines-Demosthenes orations. Diss.. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies, Greek Literature, Greek History and Culture, Oratory |
Apollo through Time and Space: From Homer’s Troy to Ovid’s Rome |
Graduate, Dissertations |
Greek History and Culture, Roman History and Culture, Folklore and Mythology, Religion |
Ashli J. Baker. Apuleius' Political Animal: A Socio-Cultural reading of identity in the Metamorphoses. Diss., 2011. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
Greek Literature, Roman History and Culture, Latin Literature, Imperial Rome, Novel/Prose Fiction |
Braden Mechley. Reading (with) the Animals: Lucretius' Creatures and his Poetic Program. Diss., 1998 (co-chair). |
Graduate, Dissertations |
Classics |
Bradley Levett. Gorgias the Sophist. Diss., 2002. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
Greek History and Culture, Greek Literature, Philosophy |
Brandon Jones, The Sophistic Roman: Education and Status in Quintilian, Tacitus and Pliny (2015) |
Graduate, Dissertations |
Roman History and Culture, Imperial Rome, Post-Augustan |
Bridget Langley. Written on Running Water: Ovidian Poetics in the Roman Waterscape. Diss., 2016. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
Archaeology, Culture, Latin Literature, Poetry and Poetics, Visual Culture |
Charles Carver. Ἕρκος Ἀθηναίων: The Ajax Myth, the Trojan War, and the Construction of Civic Ideology in Fifth-Century Athens. Diss., 2018. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
Greek Literature, Greek History and Culture |
Christina E. Franzen. Revulsion and Desire: the Figure of the Monster in the Roman Imperial Imagination. Diss., 2007. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
Latin Literature, Culture |
Christina Vester. The Figure of the Mother in Greek Drama. Diss., 2004. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
Greek Literature, Drama, Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies, Poetry and Poetics |
Christopher M. Chinn. Statius and the Discourse of Ekphrasis. Diss., 2002. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
Imperial Rome, Latin Literature |
Colin Shelton. Semantics and the Structure of Latin Etymological Wordplay. Diss., 2011. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
Latin Literature, Linguistics |
Daniel A. Conner. Mille simul leti facies: The Allusive Battlefield of Punica 4. Diss., 2018 |
Graduate, Dissertations |
Classics, Imperial Rome, Latin Literature |
Daniel Curley. Metatheater: Heroines and Ephebes in Ovid's Metamorphoses. Diss., 1999. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
Classics |
Emma J. Brobeck. Craftsmen, Identity, and Status in the Literature of Flavian Rome. Diss., 2021. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
Classics, Latin Literature, Literature and Other Arts, Post-Augustan, Roman History and Culture, Visual Culture |
En versus facio: Rewriting Augustan Elegy in Latin Epitaphs, Maximianus, & Louise Labé, directed by Dr. Stephen Hinds |
Graduate, Dissertations |
Classics, Late Antiquity, Latin Literature |
Eric Ross. Historical Wisdom: Intellectual Figures and Authorial Persona in Herodotus. Diss., 2007. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
Greek History and Culture, Greek Literature, Historiography |
Erika J. Nesholm. Rhetoric and Epistolary Exchange in Ovid's Heroides 16-21. Diss., 2005. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
Classics, Latin Literature, Poetry and Poetics, Rhetoric and Composition |
Ethan T. Adams. Gods and Humans in Ovid's Metamorphoses : Constructions of Identity and the Politics of Status. Diss., 2003. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
Classics, Latin Literature, Poetry and Poetics, Religion |
Grace Funsten. En versus facio: Rewriting Augustan Elegy in Latin Epitaphs, Maximianus, and Louise Labé. Diss., 2022. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
Classics, Latin Literature, Poetry and Poetics, Reception Studies, Roman History and Culture |
Hans-Peder Hanson. Sophistic Epistemology. Diss., 2010. |
Graduate, Dissertations |
Greek Literature, Philosophy |