UW Classics students present their research at UW's Undergraduate Research Symposium

Submitted by Catherine M Connors on

Classics students are set to present inspiring and intriguing original research projects in several sessions at UW's Undergraduate Research Symposium on Friday May 17. The Symposium brings more than twelve hundred undergraduate students from UW and other institutions together to share their work in an exciting day of poster sessions and talks in Mary Gates Hall and other campus locations. The Classics students' projects bring fresh perspectives and intellectual rigor to wide-ranging analyses of ancient languages and cultures and their legacies.

In Poster Session 1 (11:00 am-12:30 pm), Gargi Pradhan (Classical Studies and English) will present her project "From Statues to Simulations: An Analysis of Male Desire and its Manifestations in Media" (MGH Commons West), and Somer Mayer (Linguistics and Greek) together with Bella Linn Rae (Linguistics) will present their research "The Vowel System of Triestin (Tristine Venetian)" (MGH Balcony).

Three students will speak as part of a panel titled "Exploring Gender from Antiquity to Modernity" (MGH 288, 11:30 am-1:00 pm): Danika Kwak (English and Classics) will speak on "Asexuality in Greek and Roman Classics"; Tristen Krumenauer (Biochemistry and Classical Studies) will present "Women and Martyrdom in Early Christianity and Late Antiquity"; and Meagan White (Classical Studies) will present "Breaking the Binary: Dionysus and Nonbinary Gender Performance in Antiquity."

Other presentations by Classics students include: Amelia Ketzel (Classical Studies and Art History) speaking on "Binding the Narrative: The First Book of Moses, Called Genesis and the Book Arts Career of Jacob Lawrence" in "Identity, Vision, and History: Exploring Artistic Expression through Multiple Lenses" (MGH 242 3:30 pm-5:00 pm); and Classical Studies Minor Abbie Gray (Anthropology and Archaeological Sciences) speaking on "Between Two Worlds: Children in Life and Death in Late Bronze Age Mycenae" in Knowing, Seeing, Being": A Cross-Cultural Understanding Voice and Agency (MGH 284 11:30 am-1:00 pm).

Registration for the UW Undergraduate Research Symposium is recommended but not required; register and see more information here.

By Catherine Connors
