Congratulations to the 2021 Classics Graduates and Student Awardees!

Submitted by Deborah E Kamen on

Congratulations to the students of the Classics community at the University of Washington for their accomplishments over the past academic year, 2020–2021!


Ph.D. in Classics

Emma Brobeck
Dissertation: "Craftsmen, Identity, and Status in the Literature of Flavian Rome"

M.A. in Classics

Nicole Speth
MA Paper: "Changing Viewpoints, Comedy, and Obscenity in the Suburban Baths"


B.A. in Classics

Hunter Cisiewski
Peter Schultz-Rathbun

B.A. in Classical Studies

Maria Bogomolova
Jocelyn Harlan
Yiru Luo
Ruichen Tang
Siyi Yang

B.A. in Greek

Alexandra Smith
Scott Yonek


Classical Studies

Kendra Berry, Marley Bishop, Madeline Cope, Michael Dekock, Anna Dimak, Miranda Dith, Jayson Edwards, Aidan Gottlieb, Chau Huynh, Thomas Kennedy, Grace Kent, Zoe Levin, Rachel G Jin Lo, Jarod Mowers, Alexandru Omusoru, Elham Pakzad, Alondra Rodriguez, Thomas Ruffin, Huikang Sun, Shine W. Sun, Marcell Szabo, Emily Warnock, Abbie White


Marianna Gilbert


Brianna Davis, Qiao Hu, Rocky Shaefer


Harvey Densmore Scholarship
2020–21: Peter Schultz-Rathbun
2021–22: Suh Young Choi

Jim Greenfield Undergraduate Scholarship
2020–21: Alexander Betz, Jocelyn Harlan, Peter Schultz-Rathbun
2021–22: Melissa Barker, Suh Young Choi, Alicia Feichtenbiner, Amelia Ketzel, Hannah Newland

Meg Greenfield Essay Prize
Suh Young Choi, Hannah Newland, Peter Schultz-Rathbun, Alexandra Smith, Yadi Wang

UW in the High School Latin 103 Jim Greenfield Scholarship
Sarah Eykel, Ysabella Perez

UW in the High School Latin 305 Jim Greenfield Scholarship
Emma Begley-Collier, Claire Bricknell, Nicholas Chrisman, Aya Griswold, Sophie Ohtake, Sebastian Sharma, Ziao Yin, Zijun Zheng


Phillip and Estelle DeLacy Fellowship
Sarah Brucia Breitenfeld, Grace Funsten, Joshua Zacks

Nesholm Family Endowed Fellowship
Jonathan Clark


Barclay Simpson Scholars in Public Fellowship
Kaitlyn Boulding

Excellence in Teaching Award
Sarah Brucia Breitenfeld

Chester William Fritz Endowed Scholarship in the Humanities
Grace Funsten

Chester Fritz International Research and Study Fellowship
Joshua Zacks

Mary Gates Research Scholarship
Suh Young Choi

Graduate Opportunities and Minority Achievement Program Fellowship
Jonathan Clark, Édgar García

Graduate School Top Scholar Award
Laura Harris

Joff Hanauer Graduate Fellowship
2020–21: Kaitlyn Boulding
2021–22: Diana Molkova

Elizabeth Kerr MacFarlane Scholarship
2020-21: Peter Schultz-Rathbun

Irene Kravas Scholarship in Hellenic Studies
Andrew Geary

Eleftherios and Mary Rouvelas Endowed Writing Prize in Hellenic Studies
Sarah Brucia Breitenfeld
Joseph Bringman

Simpson Center Society of Scholars Fellowship
Sarah Brucia Breitenfeld

Simpson Center Society of Scholars Summer Dissertation Fellowship
Grace Funsten

Míċeál Vaughan Award
Sarah Brucia Breitenfeld


American Academy in Rome - Rome Prize
Grace Funsten

American Association of University Women - American Dissertation Fellowship
Sarah Brucia Breitenfeld

DAAD (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst) One-Year Grant for Doctoral Candidates
Joshua Zacks
