UW graduate students, faculty, and alumni at the SCS!

Submitted by Deborah E Kamen on

As always, UW Classics will be well represented at this year’s annual conference of the Society for Classical Studies (this year virtual due to COVID-19). See below for talks and panels by UW graduate students, faculty, and alumni; these can be watched online if you register for the conference. Note: the times listed here are all PST, for the sake of convenience; the online program lists times in CST.


Tues Jan 5

7-10am PST

Panel: Classics In/Out of Asia (Organized by Kelly Nguyen, Brown University, and Prof. Chris Waldo, UW)


12-3pm PST

Panel: Roman Comedy

1st paper: Sarah Brucia Breitenfeld (UW Grad), “Ut Ego Unguibus Facile Illi in Oculos Involem Venefico! Pythias and Sight as Power in Terence’s Eunuchus


Wed Jan 6

12pm-3pm PST

Panel: Subverting the Classics in the Early Modern Americas (Organized by Matthew Gorey, Wabash College, UW PhD ’17, and Adriana Vazquez, UCLA, UW PhD ‘17)


Thurs Jan 7

7am-10am PST

Panel: Philosophical Thought and Language

5th paper: Grace Funsten (UW Grad), “The Mens and the Mentula: A Philosophical Reading of Maximianus' Hymn to the Penis”


7am-10am PST

Panel: Recent Work in Digital Classics

4th paper: Lissa Crofton-Sleigh (Santa Clara University, UW PhD ‘14), “Linguae Vitae: Latin in Virtual Reality”


12-3pm PST

Panel: Early Greek Poetry

4th paper: Joshua Zacks (UW Grad), “All Hands on Deck: Complementary Nautical Metaphors in Pindar and Bacchylides”


12-3pm PST

Panel: Legalize It: Gender and Sexuality in Ancient Law (Organized by Naomi Campa, University of Texas, UW PhD ’14, and Tommaso Gazzarri, Union College)


Fri Jan 8

12-3pm PST

Panel: Latin Literature and the Environmental Humanities: Challenges and Perspectives (Organized by Bridget Langley, University of Arizona, UW PhD ’16, and Simona Martorana, Durham University)

3rd paper: Laura Zientek (Reed College, UW PhD ‘14), “Erictho and Ecofeminism in Lucan’s Bellum Civile

4th paper: Bridget Langley (University of Arizona, UW PhD ’16), “The Poetry of Plumbing: Roman Hydraulics as Cultural Icons”


12-3pm PST

Panel: Triumviral Literature

1st paper: Samuel Beckelhymer (UCLA, UW BA ‘08), “Horace’s Stylistic Responsion and an ‘Iambic’ Conceit in Epodes 1”


Sat Jan 9

7-10am PST

Panel: Think of the Children!: The Reception of the Ancient World in Children’s Media (Organized by Melissa Funke, University of Winnipeg, UW PhD ’13, and Victoria Austen, University of Winnipeg)


12-3pm PST

Panel: Philosophy in a Roman Context (Prof. Sarah Stroup, UW, presiding)

5th paper: Mary McNulty (UW Grad), “The Dark Mirror of Julia: Visuality, Prostitution, and the Principate in Seneca’s De Beneficiis


Sun Jan 10

7-10am PST

Panel: Epigraphy and History

1st paper: Brad Cook (University of Mississippi, UW BA ’87, PhD ’96), “A Golden Treaty for Philip V”


7-10am PST

Panel: Flavian Poetry

1st paper: Emma Brobeck (UW Grad), “A Metaliterary Celebration of Saturnalian Epigram in Martial 4.46”

