A message from ArchaeoSpain, an organization which offers study abroad programs in Spain, Italy and Greece.
My name is Catalina Urquijo, I am writing to you as ArchaeoSpain director to let you know about our archaeological field opportunities for 2021. We believe they can be of great interest to your students. Despite the difficult situation that the world is going through we are confident that on 2021 ArchaeoSpain will be able to celebrate its 20th anniversary on the field.
ArchaeoSpain was created in 2001 to provide students from all over the world with the opportunity to engage in scientific research at important archaeological sites. We teach archaeology field methods through intense field practice, lab work and presentations in sites like Hadrian's Villa in Italy, Hellenistic Aigai in Greece or the medieval castle of Zorita in Spain. Two of these sites are in the UNESCO world heritage list and a third is in the nomination.
We provide our participants with all the basic skills they will need when facing their own excavations as well as the enriching experience of involving them in the daily life of a foreign country with a different language, culture and History.
- Zorita Castle. Archaeology and Osteology in central Spain
- Hadrian's Villain Italy
- Pompeii the Archaeology of Death Project in Italy
- The royal tombs of Aigai in northern Greece
To learn more about our projects you can visit https://www.archaeospain.com/
We are at your entire disposal to discuss or clarify any possible questions about our programs, feel free to contact me directly, anytime in the following weeks at catalina@archaeospain.com or at +1 860 881 2227.
Thank you very much for your time. Sincerely, Catalina Urquijo
PS: Our projects in Spain, Italy and Greece will follow all the international recommendations to keep our crews safe. We are tracking any changes or additional measures taken by the authorities of each country to keep all participants up to date.
Catalina Urquijo & Dionisio Urbina Archaeologists
ArchaeoSpain directors
Spain: +34 687754256
USA: +1 860 881 2227
Archaeological Summer Schools - Archaeology Programs in Spain and Italy