A Celebration of Classics: 2020 Graduates and Student Awardees

Submitted by Amanda Meeks on
Denny Hall, home to Department of Classics - Celebrating 2020 graduates and awardees


We celebrate the achievements of students of the Classics Community at the University of Washington over the past academic year, 2019–2020.


Ph.D. in Classics

Anna Simas
Dissertation: “Killer Queen: Clytemnestra as Goddess, Heroine, and Monster”

M.A. in Classics

Joseph Bringman
MA Paper: “Fate, Homer, Achilles, and Counterfactuals”

Mary McNulty
MA Paper: “The Dark Mirror of Julia: Visibility, Prostitution, and the Principate in Seneca’s De beneficiis

Sophie Seidler
MA Thesis: “Monstrous Texts and Textual Monsters: Transgressive Hybridity in Ovid’s Metamorphoses


B.A. in Classics

Lorraine Abagatnan, B.A. Classics with minor in Anthropology
Honors Thesis: “The Role of Food in the Hellenistic and Roman Colonization of Ancient North Transjordan”

Theodore Anderson, B.A. Classics and English
Senior Essay: “The Robbers of the Roman Hive: A Study of Bees in Varro's De Re Rustica 3”

Yujie Anita Chen, B.A. Classics and B.S. in Applied and Computational Mathematical Sciences
Senior Essay: “Life of a Foreign Prostitute in Athens”

Owen Coats, B.A. Classics and History
Senior Essay: “The Fallen Science: The Tradition and Skepticism of Ancient Astrology”

Madolyn Hyytiainen-Jacobson, B.A. Classics and Anthropology
Senior Essay: “Mycenaean Feasting and the Reimagining of Greek Temple and Religious Practice”

Emma Petersen, B.A. Classics
Honors Thesis: “Enemies and the End of the Republic: Comparing Cicero’s In Catilinam and Philippicae

Sierra Rasmussen, B.A. Classics with minor in Dance
Senior Essay: “‘The Intimacy of your Thighs’”

B.A. in Classical Studies

Elizabeth Abel, B. A. Classical Studies and Psychology with minor in Latin
Senior Essay: “From Antiquity to Modernity: Psychological Constructs of Gender in Ovid’s Metamorphoses

Alana Edmondson, B.A. Classical Studies and English
Senior Essay: “The Female Persuasion: Gendering Medical Care Amongst Women in Roman Antiquity”

Michael Leisa McAdams, B.A. Classical Studies
Senior Essay: “Catullus and Fragile Masculinity: An analysis of gender concepts from the Roman Republic and their impact on modern homophobia and rape culture”

Samantha Marsh, B.A. Classical Studies
Senior Essay: “The Evolution of the Heroic Mold“

B.A. in Greek

Forrest Martin, B.A. Greek and Near Eastern Studies: Biblical and Ancient
Senior Essay: “Paronomasia and Polysemy Accommodations in LXX Amos”

B.A. in Latin

Edward Eric Hentz, B.A. Latin

Feiyang Liu, B.A. Latin and B.S. in Applied and Computational Mathematical Sciences
Senior Essay: “Age of Decadence: a Stylistic Comparison of the Commentary of Zuo and Ab Urbe Condita Book I”

Aiwen Zhang, B.A. Latin with minor in Informatics
Senior Essay: “Timeless Journey: The Odyssey in a Video Game”



Nathaniel Elliott, B.A. in History with minor in Latin

Classical Studies

William Ackerman, B.A. Chemistry with minor in Classical Studies
Matei Alexander Armanasu, B.S. Applied and Computational Mathematical Sciences: Data Sciences and Statistics with minor in Classical Studies
Jeani Atlas, B.A. Political Science and Law, Society and Justice with minor in Classical Studies
Mongolijn Bat-Erdene, B.S. Microbiology with minor in Classical Studies
Russell Boyce, B.A. Mathematics with minor in Classical Studies
Kira Brist, B.S. Psychology with minor in Classical Studies
Alexis Charbonneau, B.A. History with minor in Classical Studies
Julia Clark, B.A. Business Administration: Information Systems with minor in Classical Studies
Jaymen Davis, B.A. Communication and Anthropology with minor in Classical Studies
Alec Dietz, B.A. Communication: Journalism with minor in Classical Studies
Valerie Djou, B.S. Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology with minor in Classical Studies
Nicholas Fox, B.S. Computer Science with minors in Classical Studies and Philosophy
Marissa Gaston, B.A. Political Science with minor in Classical Studies
Montana Hagstrom, B.A. Biochemistry with minor in Classical Studies
Katherine Hawkins, B.S. Microbiology with minor in Classical Studies
Espen Hellevik, B.A. English with minor in Classical Studies
Sarah Henning, B.S. Biology: General with minor in Classical Studies
Dylan Johnson, B.A. Economics with minor in Classical Studies
William Johnson, B.A. History with minor in Classical Studies
Emily Joseph, B.S. Materials Science and Engineering, with minor in Classical Studies
Jakub Kocztorz, B.A. History with minor in Classical Studies
Alexander Le, B.A. Geography with minors in Classical Studies and Mathematics
Eric McIntosh, B.A. Drama with minor in Classical Studies
Anika McManamen, B.S. Biochemistry with minors in Classical Studies and Chemistry
Alexander McNeill, B.A. Cinema & Media Studies with minor in Classical Studies
Tanner Mooney, B.A. Biochemistry with minor in Classical Studies
Sheila Panyam, B.A. Philosophy with minor in Classical Studies
Joshua Park, B.A. Philosophy with minor in Classical Studies
Hannah Redden, B.S. Biochemistry with minors in Classical Studies and Chemistry
Emma Riddle, B.S. Biology: General with minor in Classical Studies
Katherine Seidel, B.A. Business Administration: Accounting, with minor in Classical Studies
Ethan Silver, B.A. Political Science and History with minor in Classical Studies
Mary Smith, B.A. English, with minors in Classical Studies and Environmental Studies
Thomas Smytheman, B.S. Biochemistry with minor in Classical Studies
Chau Minh Vo, B.A. Art: Interdisciplinary Visual Arts, with minor in Classical Studies
Alison Wagner, B.A. Psychology and English with minor in Classical Studies
Alexander Waugh, B.S. Mathematics: Comprehensive with minor in Classical Studies
Sierra Wilde, B.S. Physics: Comprehensive Physics and Astronomy with minor in Classical Studies
Ian Wolcott, B.S. Physics: Biophysics with minor in Classical Studies
Matthew Zylstra, B.A. History with minor in Classical Studies


Jim Greenfield Undergraduate Scholarship
2019–20: Lorraine Abagatnan, Elizabeth Abel, Alana Edmondson, Owen Coats, Feiyang Liu, Sheila Panyam, Emma Petersen
2020–21: Alex Betz, Jocelyn Harlan, Peter Schultz-Rathbun

Meg Greenfield Essay Prize
Lorraine Abagatnan, Owen Coats

Harvey Densmore Scholarship
2019–20: Forrest Martin
2020–21: Peter Schultz-Rathbun

Jim Greenfield Travel Award
Alexandra Smith

Jim Greenfield Reimbursement of Graduate School Application Fees
Owen Coats, Alana Edmondson, Madolyn Hyytiainen-Jacobson

UW in the High School Latin 103 & Latin 307 Jim Greenfield Scholarship
Emma Begley-Collier, Margot Bell, Ashley Blake, Nicholas Chrisman, James Hartog, Olivia Kilborn, Caroline Koddenberg, Noah Martin, Petra Rider, Smith Rothchild, Karen Spieldenner, Regina Warren, Sophia Watterson


Greenfield Graduate Scholarship
Catherine Chase, Lauryn Hanley

Jim Greenfield Dissertation Fellowship
Grace Funsten, Edgar García, Joshua Zacks

Jim Greenfield Travel Award
Joshua Zacks

Phillip and Estelle DeLacy Travel Awards and Stipends
Kaitlyn Boulding, Emma Brobeck, Sarah Brucia Breitenfeld, Grace Funsten, Edgar García, Anna Simas


American Association of University Women–American Dissertation Fellowship 2019–20
Anna Simas

Joff Hanauer for Excellence in Western Civilization Graduate Fellowship 2019–20
Grace Funsten

Joff Hanauer for Excellence in Western Civilization Graduate Fellowship 2020-21
Kaitlyn Boulding

Elizabeth Kerr MacFarlane Scholarship 2019–20
Emma Brobeck

Elizabeth Kerr MacFarlane Scholarship 2020–21
Peter Schultz-Rathbun

Top Scholar Award (UW Graduate School)
Lauryn Hanley

Chester William Fritz Scholarship 2020–21
Grace Funsten

Chester Fritz International Research and Study Fellowship 2020–21
Joshua Zacks

GO-MAP Dissertation Completion Fellowship 2020–21
Edgar García 
