As usual, UW Classics will make a strong showing at the annual meeting of the Society of Classical Studies held jointly with the Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America (January 6-9, 2016, in San Francisco). Alexander Hollmann is speaking on "Curse Tablets and Wells in Private Houses in Antioch" on the program of the AIA. At the SCS, Graduate students Joshua Hartman and Bridget Langley are delivering papers on “Julian as Citizen: Attic Oratory and the Misopogon” and “Female Plumbers in the Metamorphoses: Women Talking Water,” respectively. Ruby Blondell is the respondent for a panel on Performance, Politics, Pedagogy. Sarah Levin-Richardson is co-organizing the Lambda Classical Caucus panel on Sexuality in Ancient Art. Kate Topper is speaking on “Dionysos, Sympotic Ships, and Empire: Banqueting aboard the Thalamegos of Ptolemy IV,” on the same panel (Ancient Kingship) as Marie La Fond (BA ’10, MA ’11; currently a PhD student at Wisconsin), whose paper is on “Σκηπτοῦχος Βασιλεύς: The Σκῆπτρον and Odysseus’ Kingship in the Odyssey.” Other UW alumni presenting at the conference include Jacqueline Pincus (BA ’10; currently a PhD student at Michigan), whose paper is on “Exemplary Tyrants: Livy on Violence, Due Process, and Protecting the State”; Richard Fernando Buxton PhD ’10, Visiting Assistant Professor at Colorado College), who is speaking on “The Hoplite Class as a Complex Category in Greek Thought”; Joseph Groves, BA ’05 PhD Michigan ’12, Visiting Professor at Hillsdale College, presenting on “Livy’s Rejection of Polybius’ συμπλοκή: The Case for Competence”; and Lissa Crofton-Sleigh (PhD ’14, Lecturer at Santa Clara University), who is presenting on “Gateways to Rome in Aeneid 6 and 7.”