Cynthia Claxton (PhD '87), who is a Lecturer and the undergraduate program director in Classics at the University of California, Irvine, has written a new intermediate level textbook for those learning Classical Greek, which is forthcoming from Yale University Press later this year (in September). In contrast to a traditional reader, Attica: Intermediate Classical Greek combines guided readings with review discussions and exercises. It is conceived as a stand-alone text to help students transition to reading primary texts without as much trauma as is often the case. The readings are from Xenophon (Hellenica), Antiphon 1, and a bit from Euripides' Electra.
As the official description from Yale reads, "Effective as either a primary or secondary textbook, Attica: Intermediate Classical Greek fills a gap in the available materials by simultaneously providing a much-needed grammar review and an introduction to primary texts that students will be working with in the second and third year of study. Through comprehensive exercises, extensive explanatory notes, and an ancillary website with additional materials, this text gives students the skills they need to become comfortable with advanced second-year literary material."
Congratulations to Cynthia!
For more on the book, please click here to go to Yale University Press's information page. The book is available for pre-order from Amazon (click here).