Jim Greenfield Graduate Travel Bursaries

The Department of Classics is pleased to invite graduate students in the Department of Classics to apply for JIM GREENFIELD GRADUATE TRAVEL BURSARIES.

There will be no fixed deadline for applications for Jim Greenfield Graduate Travel Bursaries.

Jim Greenfield Graduate Travel Bursaries will be awarded competitively in support of certain incidental travel expenses (these will typically include airfare or gas if driving, ground transportation, registration for conferences, and reasonable accommodations) incurred by graduate students in pursuit of academic excellence and in direct connection with their programs of study. The Department will consider applications for funds to assist with:

  • participation in national or international programs (such as the Department's own Rome program, the American School of Classical Studies in Athens, the ANS summer program in New York, etc.);
  • travel undertaken in connection with specialized dissertation work;
  • participation in professional conferences to deliver an invited or refereed paper in cases where this is not covered from other resources, such as travel funds from the Graduate School, application for which must be made on your behalf by the GPC;
  • attendance at one or two SCS meetings when the student has completed or is close to completing the dissertation and is a candidate for the job market (in this instance it is not necessarily expected that you will be giving a paper).

With respect to travel to conferences, preference will typically be given to (a) major conferences (e.g., SCS, CAMWS) and to the local CAPN conference; participation in graduate student conferences is less likely to be covered; and (b) to students at the post MA or PhC stage. If you wish to apply for funding, before submitting a paper for presentation you should consult with the Graduate Program Coordinator, the Chair, or a faculty advisor about the relevance of the proposal to your particular circumstances and interests and the anticipated benefits of attending the conference.

To apply for travel funding, please complete and submit the UW Classics Scholarship Application Form. You will be required to provide the following:

  1. A letter of application (300-500 words). The letter should describe the educational purpose the proposed travel and the resulting financial need in general terms. It should also indicate if you anticipate making additional applications for Greenfield travel bursaries in the same academic year.
  2. A budget listing anticipated expenses. In all cases, students are expected to find the lowest fares in order to maximize our resources so that we can benefit as many people as possible. It should also be noted that we only reimburse the cost of a round-trip flight from Seattle, which may mean a partial reimbursement if you are flying to a conference from somewhere other than Seattle. NB: In the event that an award is made, in order to receive reimbursement you will need to supply the office with copies of your receipts showing proof of purchase  no later than two weeks after your return.
  3. A short CV (including any previous awards from the Greenfield Scholarship Fund).

Please keep in mind that these awards are competitive and will be made on the basis of various factors, including the professional significance of the proposed travel, its relevance to your particular educational goals, the number and dollar amount of travel awards you have applied for in a given year, your level of success and progress in the program to date, and the availability of funds.

Recipients of Jim Greenfield Graduate Travel Bursaries


Jonathan Clark
Lauryn Hanley
Laura Harris


Jonathan Clark
Lauryn Hanley
Laura Harris
Mary McNulty
Lexi Smith
Joshua Zacks


Naomi Campa-Thompson - Dissertation Defense
Janice So - Rome Program
Adriana Vazquez - Rome Program


Adriana Vazquez - American School in Athens
Naomi Campa - CAPN
Laura Zientek - CAPN
Bridget Langley - CAPN
Jessica Kapteyn - CAPN
Rachel Carlson - CAPN
Adriana Vazquez - CAPN
Ed Bertany - Rome Program
Joshua Hartman - Rome Program
Brandon Jones - Rome Program


Adriana Vazquez - Graduate Student Colloquium, Madison Wisconsin
Bridget Langley - UCLA Graduate Conference
Alexandra Kennedy - Brock University Conference
Melissa Funke - Brock University Conference
Brandon Jones - CAPN
Brandon Jones - CANE
Brandon Jones - American School of Classical Studies, Athens
Naomi Campa - APA and Lambda Classical Caucus
Lissa Crofton Sleigh - University of Iowa Conference


  • Naomi Campa
    APA San Antonio Lambda Classical Caucus Graduate Student Liaison
  • Jessica Kapteyn
    Tel Dor Field School and Excavation
  • Rachel Carlson
    Tel Dor Field School and Excavation


  • Naomi Campa
    APA Anaheim Lambda Classical Caucus Graduate Student Liaison
  • Melissa Funke
    ICL Hong Kong "Learning the Latin Language: The Challenges of a Dead Language in the Post-Secondary Classroom"
  • Lissa Crofton-Sleigh
    ICL Hong Kong "Learning the Latin Language: The Challenges of a Dead Language in the Post-Secondary Classroom"


  • Richard Buxton
    APA Philadelphia "The Purpose of Herodotus: Irony in the Socles Scene (Histories 5.91-2)"
    AIA Philadelphia "Chisel Cuts: Bureaucratic Control Marks on Fifth Century Owls in the Near East"
    American School of Oriental Research, Boston "Athenian Coinage in 4th c. Cilicia: Behavioral Aspects"
  • Allison Das
    CAPN Portland "Women's speech and social status in Plautine comedies."
  • Alexander Dressler
    CAMWS Minneapolis "Performativity: Metaphor and Exemplum in Senecas Epistles"
  • Robin Greene
    APA Philadelphia "Minting History: The Fabricated Triumph of Drusus"
    University of Michigan Graduate Conference "Graven Kings and Cameo Queens: The Advent of the Royal Ptolemaic Gemstone Portraiture"
  • Brent Harper
    CAMWS Conference in Minneapolis "Death of the Republic: Caeta's Tomb in Lucan's Bellum Civile."
  • Mollie Herbert
    Airfare to Seattle to defend her Ph.D. thesis.
  • Alexandra Kennedy
    CAMWS Conference Minneapolis "There's No Place Like Rome: Non-Roman Space in Livy"
  • Mark Nugent
    APA Philadelphia


  • Ashli Baker
    ICAN in Lisbon "Theama Kainon: Reading Natural History in Achilles Tatius' Leucippe and Clitiphon"
    Classical Seminar in Rome 2008
    Indianapolis Louvre Exhibit
  • Richard Buxton
  • Rachel Carlson
    Indianapolis Louvre Exhibit
  • Alex Dressler
    University of South Carolina Conference on Plato and Platonisms "Subjectivity, Contradiction, and the Traditions of Feminist Platonism"
    APA Chicago
  • Robin Greene
    ICAN Lisbon "(Un)happily ever after: Literary and Religious Tensions in the Endings of theAprocryphal Acts of Paul and Thecla"
    Classical Seminar in Rome
  • Ashley Herum
    Indianapolis Louvre Exhibit
  • Sonia Isaacs
    APA Chicago
  • Sara Levin
    Tel Dor Field School
  • Morgan Palmer
    Brown University
    Indianapolis Louvre Exhibit
  • Ryan Platte
    APA Chicago
  • Sara Prest
    Indianapolis Louvre Exhibit


  • Richard Buxton
    Michigan Graduate Student Conference Clamor ad caelum. Presented a paper "What Disaster Makes of Helen in Euripides' Troades"
  • Kari Ceaicovschi
    Attend AIA/APA conference
  • Yurie Hong Easton
    CAMWS Presented a paper "Reproductive Retribution: Cyrus' Death and a Mother's Revenge in Herodotus' Histories"
  • Christina Franzen
    CAMWS Presented a paper "Inhuman Crudelitas: Hannibal's Monstrosity in Livy's A.U.C. and Cicero's De Divinatione"
  • Robin Greene
    CAPN Presented a paper "Gems of Hellenism: Origin and Incorporation in the Lithika of Posidippus"
  • Mark Nugent
    APA/AIA Presented a paper "Amor Malus and 'Male Armor': Elagabalus and the Politics of Sexuality (1960-75)"
  • Ryan Platte
    Travel to American School of Classical Studies in Athens


  • Ashli Baker
    Penn Humanities Forum Graduate Division, University of Pennsylvania, February 15-16; paper entitled; "Reader as Voyeur in Longus' Daphnis and Chloe."
  • Kari Ceaicovschi
    Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association October 20-23, 2005 at Cour d'Alene; paper entitled "Reading Rhodes: A construction of Imperial Ideology and Identity in Cato the Elder's Speech Pro Rhodiensibus"
    AIA/APA convention in Montreal, Canada, January 5-8, 2006; paper entitled; "Reading Rhodes: Rome's Past, Present, and Future"
  • Benjamin Crotty
    AIA/APA convention in Montreal, Canada, January 5-8, 2006; paper entitled  “Libertas Lost:  Agricola in Britain”
    CAMWS in Gainesville, Florida,  April 6-10, 2006; paper entitled “Libertas Lost:  Agricola in Britain”
  • Alexander Dressler
    AIA/APA in Montreal, Canada, January 5-8, 2006 as graduate liaison for the Women's Classical Caucus
    CAMWS in Gainesville, Florida April 6-10; presented paper entitled "Talking Back to Your Mother: Seneca's Phaedra and Lygdamus the Elegist"
  • Yurie Hong Easton
  • AIA/APA Montreal, Canada, January 5-8, 2006
  • CAMWS in Gainesville, Florida, April 6-10; presented paper entitled "Reading Art: Statius' Lying Bodies and the Dynamics of Cultural Authority in Silvae 3.6"
  • CAPN Portland, Oregon March 24, 2006; presented paper entitled "Reading Art: Statius' Lying Bodies and the Dynamics of Cultural Authority in Silvae 3.6"

Christina Franzen

  • CAMWS in Gainesville, Florida April 6-10: presented paper entitled "Bits Clash Murder: Horses Fear and Incest in the Seven Against Thebes"

Molly Herbert

  • AIA/APA in Montreal, January 5-8; presented paper "Oral Reading and Homeric Reception"
  • Classical Association of Canada in Banff in May; presented paper "The Reception of Sappho in Horace's Sapphics"
  • Orality and Literacy in the Ancient World VII, Auckland New Zealand, July 2006; present paper "I Know What You're Going to Say: Oral Reading and Homeric Variation"

Lindsay Morse

  • Attend AIA/APA convention in Montreal, Canada, January 5-8 (member of WCC steering committee)
  • Present a paper at CAPN convention in Portland, Oregon, March 24-25, 2006; paper entitled "Identity Theft Punishable by Death: Dogs, Beasts and Actaeon in Apuleius' Metamorphoses"
  • Present a paper at CAMWS convention in Gainesville, Florida April 6-10; paper entitled "Empire and Identity in Ovid's Heroides 12"

Eric Ross

  • Attend AIA/APA conference in Montreal January 5-8, 2006


Kari Ceaicovschi

  • AIA/APA in Boston, MA,  Jan. 6-9, 2005.
  • Classical Seminar in Rome Spring 2005

John Chesley

  • Travel expenses to Tel Dor, Israel, archaeological dig, summer 2004.

Ruben Garcia-Fernandez  

  • CAMWS in Madison, WI, March 30-April 1, 2005.  “Horace Carm. 2.20: Tailoring the myth of Icarus. A fatidic flight that brings poetic immortality.”

Molly Herbert

  • present a paper at the meeting of the Classical Association of Canada in Banff, BC, May 11-12, 2005; paper entitled, “The Reception of Sappho in Horace’s Sapphics".

Jackie Murray

  • AIA/APA in Boston, MA,  Jan. 6-9, 2005. paper entitled, “Black Medea: Colchians as ‘Aithiopes’ in Apollonius’ Argonautica.”
  • Hellenistica Groningana Workshop,  The Netherlands, August 2004

Ryan Platte

  • Classical Seminar in Rome Spring 2005

Eric Ross

  • present a paper at the meeting of the Classical Association of Canada in Banff, BC, May 11-12, 2005; paper entitled, “Poetic Epistemology.”

Marco Zangari

  • AIA/APA in Boston, MA, Jan. 6-9, 2005.


Kari Ceaicovschi

  • Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association (RMMLA) in Missoula, MT, October 9-11, 2003. “Horace’s Carmen Saeculare: Paian or Epinician.”

John Chesley

  • AIA/APA in San Francisco, CA, Jan. 2-4, 2004. “Genre, Accuracy, and Authority in Livy 21.1.1-3.”
  • Classics Association of the Canadian West (CACW) in Winnipeg, March 19-21, 2004; paper entitled, “Certamen Gloriae, Certamen Historiae: Competing Views on Elite Competition in Roman History.”

Benjamin Crotty

  • Classical Seminar in Rome Spring 2004

Christina Franzen

  • AIA/APA in San Francisco, CA, Jan. 2-4,  2004.  “Stesichorus’ Geryon: the Pathetic Monster.”

Yurie Hong

  • Classical Seminar in Rome Spring 2004

Sonia Isaacs

  • American School of Classical Studies in Athens summer program, 2003.

Erika Nesholm

  • AIA/APA in San Francisco, CA, Jan. 2-4, 2004.

Mark Nugent

  • CAMWS meeting in St. Louis, MO, April 14-16, 2004. “The Sculpted Word: Definition as Depiction in Plato’s Statesman.”

Christina Vester

  • Travel from Calgary to Seattle to defend dissertation,  June 8, 2004
  • AIA/APA n San Francisco, CA, Jan. 2-4, 2004.

Marco Zangari

  • AIA/APA in San Francisco, CA, Jan. 2-4, 2004.


Ethan Adams

  • Joint meetings of the CACW and CAPN in Calgary, AB, March 21-22, 2003.   “Fragmentary Latin Poets: Epigraphy and the Poetics of Epitaphs.”

Christopher  Chinn

  •  joint meeting of the AIA/APA in January 2003.

Benjamin Crotty

  • CAMWS in Lexington, KY, April 3-5, 2003.  , “Dead Brothers and New Lovers in Catullus’ cc. 65 and 66.”

Molly Herbert      

  • Classical Seminar in Rome Spring 2003

Yurie Hong 

  •  CAMWS in Lexington, KY, April 3-5, 2003.  “Quod Hoc Genus Consolandi Est?: The Social Politics of Epistolarity in Seneca’s Ad Helviam.”

Brad Levett

  • AIA/APA January 2003.

Jackie Murray  

  • Sixth Groningen Workshop on Hellenistic Poetry, August  28-31, 2002.  Paper entitled, “All Bark and No Bite: Callimachus and Apollonius in  Ovid’s Self-Consuming Erysichthon.”

Patrick Myers   

  • AIA/APA in January 2003.

Erika Nesholm      

  • CAMWS in Lexington, KY, April 3-5, 2003.   “The Apple of Discourse: Rhetoric and Epistolary exchange in Heroides 20-21.”

Mark Nugent

  • CAMWS in Lexington, KY, April 3-5, 2003. Presented paper.

Pauline Ripat

  • Travel from Winnipeg to Seattle to defend dissertation,  April 18, 2003

Priscilla Rodgers

  • AIA/APA in January 2003.

Eric Ross

  • Classical Seminar in Rome 2003