CLAS 101 C: Latin and Greek in Current Use

Winter 2025
TTh 10:30am - 11:20am / SMI 313
Section Type:
Syllabus Description (from Canvas):

Classics 101 has for many years been a popular 2-credit course option for students throughout UW.  The course is designed to improve and increase English vocabulary through a study of the Latin and Greek elements in English, with emphasis on words in current literary and scientific use.  The Latin and Greek elements learned in this course will help you better understand how many English words have evolved, and prepare you to continue expanding your English vocabulary well after the class is over.  More than that, the course examines the ever-changing relationship between language and ideas in order to better understand the continuing impact of classical Greece and Rome on modern culture.  Classics 101 gives you a sense of the words, ideas, and stories that we have adopted from the ancient Greeks and Romans, and helps you identify classical influence when you encounter it.  Knowledge of Latin or Greek is not required.

The required textbook is Dominik’s Words and Ideas.

This course counts for the following General Education requirement:  A&H



All readings and assignments are due on the day they are listed in the syllabus. Your assignments are bulleted below the days on which they are due. Please note that page numbers are for the physical copy of the book and do not apply to the electronic version. If you are using the electronic version, use the headings to navigate to the relevant pages. I reserve the right to modify the schedule as needed.



T. 1/7 - Syllabus and Introduction to Classics

Th. 1/9 - Proto-Indo European Languages and Introduction to Word Building

  • Read: Chapter 1 –– Word Building Basics (pp. 1-15)
  • Read: Appendices I-III (pp. 251-256)



T. 1/14 - Word Building

  • Memorize Greek Nouns/Adjectives (pp.19-25) (memorize all bulleted bases/combining forms in these sections. E.g. know that the combining form ‘-archy’ means ‘rule by.’)

Th. 1/16 - Mythology: The Primordial Gods and Hesiod’s Theogony

  • Read: Chapter 4 – Mythology (pp. 75-99)
  • Memorize Greek Adverbs/Verbs (pp.25-29)



T. 1/21 - Mythology: The Children of Zeus and the Homeric Hymns

  • Homework #1: Ch. 4 ex. 2-3 (p. 101) and Connection/Reflection on Mythology

Th. 1/23 - Mythology: Heroes and the Underworld

  • Memorize Greek Prefixes/Suffixes (pp. 29-36)



T. 1/28 - Mythology: The Trojan War, the Iliad, the Odyssey, and the Aeneid

  • Review all previous material in preparation for Quiz #1

Th. 1/30 - Quiz #1: Word Building and Mythology



T. 2/4 - Medicine: The Cult of Asclepius

  • Read: Chapter 5 – Medicine (pp. 105-139)

Th. 2/6 - Medicine: Theory of the Four Humors and Gynecology

  • Homework #2: Ch. 5 ex. 4a-k, 5a-h, 6a-f (pp. 142-143) and Connection/Reflection on Medicine
  • Memorize all medical bases from Chapter 5



T. 2/11 - Philosophy: Introduction to the Philosophers

  • Read: Chapter 8 – Philosophy and Psychology (pp. 191-206, stop before “psyche”)
  • Memorize Latin Nouns/Verbs (pp. 45-48)

Th. 2/13 - Psychology: Oedipus, Electra, and Narcissus

  • Read: Chapter 8 – Philosophy and Psychology (pp. 206-219)
  • Review all previous material in preparation for Quiz #2



T. 2/18 - Quiz #2: Philosophy, Psychology, and Medicine

Th. 2/20 - Ancient Greek History and Historians

  • Read: Chapter 9 – History (pp. 227-246)
  • Memorize Latin Prefixes (pp. 48-55)



T. 2/25 - Ancient Roman History and Historians

  • Homework #3: Ch. 9 ex. 1, 2a (p. 248) and Connection/Reflection on History
  • Memorize Latin Suffixes (pp. 55-63)

Th. 2/27 - Greek Politics and Law

  • Read: Chapter 6 – Politics and Law (pp. 145-164)



T. 3/4 - Roman Politics and Law

  • Homework #4: Ch. 6 ex. 3 (p. 166) and Connection/Reflection on Politics/Law
  • Review all previous material in preparation for Quiz #3

Th. 3/6 - Quiz #3: History, Politics and Law



T. 3/11 - Commerce and Economics: Enslavement and the Zoninus Collar

  • Read: Chapter 7 – Commerce and Economics (pp. 169-187)

Th. 3/13 - Course Review

  • Review all course materials and bring questions!
  • Extra Credit Assignment Due (optional)


FINAL EXAM: MONDAY, MARCH 17TH, 10:30 AM - 12:20 PM, SMITH 313

Catalog Description:
Designed to improve and increase English vocabulary through a study of the Latin and Greek elements in English, with emphasis on words in current literary and scientific use. Knowledge of Latin or Greek is not required. Offered: AWSpS.
GE Requirements Met:
Arts and Humanities (A&H)
Last updated:
March 7, 2025 - 10:00 am