CLAS 496: Alexander the Great: Myth and History
Mondays and Wednesdays: 9:30-11:20
Room: Johnson Hall, Room 111
Instructor: Prof. Lahiri (
5 Credits, (Gen Ed: A&H, [Optional] W)
In his short life, Alexander III of Macedon made himself into a mythical figure: son of Zeus Ammon, the great conqueror, a Persian king of kings. In death, the myths of Alexander the Great proliferated and multiplied as they have for few other human beings.
This course explores the mythic dimensions of the historical Alexander, and the historical significance of the mythic Alexander.
Along the way, we find versions of Alexander at the ends of the earth and in the depths of the sea; Alexanders who serve as paragons of kingly virtue or destroyers of ancient knowledge; stories of Alexander that epitomize the heights of human power—and the ability of fortune to overthrow even the mightiest.
Note: the course is currently at "full enrollment." If you are interested in an add code, please email me at
All readings in English
Required Textbooks:
- Richard Stoneman. Alexander the Great: A Life in Legend. New Haven: Yale University Press. ISBN-13: 978-0300270068
- James Romm, editor. Alexander the Great: Selections from Arrian, Diodorus, Plutarchm and Quintus Curtius. Indianapolis: Hackett. ISBN-13: 9780872207271
- Richard Stoneman, translator. The Greek Alexander Romance. New York: Penguin. ISBN-13: 9780140445602
Classics Undergraduate Textbook Fund:
If you are a major or minor in the Department of Classics, you may apply for support from the Undergraduate Textbook Fund to defray the costs of these textbooks. Please see the link here. For information about minoring in Classics, see here or ask Prof. Lahiri.
Provisional Units
1: The Historical Alexander
2: Birth of the Romance
3: Alexander in Religious Traditions
4: Gender and Sexuality
5: Marvels, wonders, and imaginary geography
6: Wisdom traditions
7: Death and Immortality