Section E: MWF 9:30 – 10:20 am DEN 258
Instructor: Caden Hanrahan (he/him)
Office Hours: Wednesday 1-2 pm, Thursday 1-2 pm in Denny 400k, or by appointment
All class materials can be found under Modules.
Important Dates Quick Reference
9/30: Homework 1 Due | |
10/7: Homework 2 Due | 10/14: Test 1 |
10/21: Homework 3 Due | 10/28: Test 2 |
11/4: Homework 4 Due | 11/13: Test 3 |
11/25: Homework 5 Due | 12/6: Test 4 |
Full Course Schedule
Monday |
Wednesday |
Friday |
Week 1 9/25, 9/27 |
Syllabus and Introduction |
Introduction to Word Building Chapters 1 & 2 |
Week 2 9/30, 10/2, 10/4 |
Homework 1 Due Pre-Hippocratic Medicine Chapters 3 & 4 |
Homer’s Bioscientific Vocabulary Chapters 5 & 6 |
Natural Philosophy Chapters 7 & 8 |
Week 3 10/7, 10/9, 10/11 |
Homework 2 Due Hippocratic Medicine Chapters 9 & 10 |
Diminutive Suffixes Chapter 11 |
Test 1 Review |
Week 4 10/14, 10/16, 10/18 |
Test 1 |
Herodotus and Thucydides Chapters 12 & 13 |
Classical Mythology Chapter 14 |
Week 5 10/21, 10/23, 10/25 |
Homework 3 Due Unintuitive Meanings and Figurative Etymologies Chapters 15 & 16 |
Dinosaurs! Chapters 17 & 18 |
Test 2 Review Chapters 19 & 20 |
Week 6 10/28, 10/30, 11/1 |
Test 2 |
Introduction to Latin Bioscientific Vocabulary Chapters 21 & 22 |
Language History Chapters 23 & 24 |
Week 7 11/4, 11/6, 11/8 |
Homework 4 Due Early Roman Medicine Chapters 25 & 26 |
Galen Chapters 27 & 28 |
Test 3 Review Chapters 29 & 30 |
Week 8 11/11, 11/13, 11/15 |
NO CLASS Veteran's Day |
Test 3 |
Medieval Science and Medicine Chapters 31 & 32 |
Week 9 11/18, 11/20, 11/22 |
Alchemy Chapters 33 & 34 |
Latin Nouns Part 1 Chapters 35 & 36 |
Latin Nouns Part 2 Chapters 37 & 38 |
Week 10 11/25, 11/27, 11/29 |
Homework 5 Due Latin Adjectives and Phrases Chapters 39 & 40 |
History of Scientific and Medical Naming |
Week 11 12/2, 12/4, 12/6 |
Test 4 Review |
Test 4 Review |
Test 4 |